Posted on 08/22/2010 4:15:40 AM PDT by EBH
Obama aides said before the Massachusetts trip that the president would travel light, with a skeleton staff. Accompanying him on Air Force One were senior adviser Valerie Jarrett and his counterterrorism adviser, John Brennan.
Brennan, who wants to give the president his space while on vacation, briefed Obama on national security issues during the first day on the trip. Brennan also said he would rely on the phone and e-mail to provide other updates not requiring a visit to Blue Heron Farm, the 30-acre property the Obama family was using.
"Communication systems are very robust. We can move information at the speed of light," said Brennan. "If there were to be some type of event that would require immediate engagement with the president, I am certain I can do it as quickly as I could do back in Washington."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
One of the first things that was interrupted on 9/11 was the inability of the infrastructure to handle communications.
Same with the Eastern electric blackout...
I'm looking for my tin-foil now...
He also brings flies and mierda with him. I read that the pond on which this insanely expensive place is located was just found to be contaminated with fecal coliform bacteria. Appropriate.
How about a story how this is 0's 5th vacation since July?
Most of my life I've been around good people not very radical, but sometimes passionate about their position(s) and things were OK, thanks ....
But it is different these days.
Ordinarilly cool men are arming themselves, learning more political dialogue, studying survival tactics and being a little more vocal where in the past they sort of shrugged as if to say, "That's OK if you feel like that."
Men of character and wisdom are taking a stand and it IS an US vs. THEM attitude.
This is either a telegraphed message, (tin-foil me).
This is a prop0ganda piece to improve his “no confidence” poll numbers.
two words I never ever want to hear together again..
Bush’s vacations”.
The US Government and the US Media have been openly lying to you for decades. Since you said tin-foil me in jest it means you still don't get it.
Will it finally make sense when they nationalize your 401K, make it too expensive for you to heat and cool your house and tell you what car you are going to drive?
Sounds like John Brennan didn’t even need to go....guess he was just hitching a ride, the Commie.
Or I am way, way ahead of you! LOL. I went Galt on November 5th, 2008. 401k, what 401k? Every trapping of wealth simply went away on that day.
People thought I was nuts or lost it all in the initial crash. Most brokers understood exactly what and why.
My tin-foil regarding this article is why are they talking about emergency communications for 0's vacation? Why are they making the excuse already of only a skeleton staff? Why would any of that be made public knowledge?
They forgot to tell Us,intentionally, that they did the Fecal Test just after Obozo Zero had taken a lengthly swim there at the Beach of Blue Heron Farm! :-(
Except for his loafers
I think also, beneath his skirts, that the anti-president provides a home for bedbugs.
Did BO the dog get his own plane again?
How many of the wookies 23 “assistants” made the trip?
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