Posted on 08/18/2010 10:13:29 AM PDT by LibWhacker
A role reversal comedy shown on Saudi television in which a woman marries four husbands has hit the very nerve it satirised - male pride and double standards.
The comedy was an episode in Saudi Arabias most celebrated satirical series, Tash Ma Tash or No Big Deal, a take-off of social prejudices shown annually during the holy month of Ramadan.
The central character takes four husbands, explaining herself using the conventional arguments Saudi men use to exercise their legal and religious privilege of marrying four times.
When she remarries for the first time she complains that her existing husband has stopped caring about his looks after five years, and is preoccupied with work.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Oh, oh. Some producer’s getting beheaded....
Women have little or no rights in the Middle East.
Women are considered less than second class citizens.
Women in the Middle East are treated like cattle, no better than that.
It is amazing to me that there are women who even follow the Muslim or Islam religion considering how they are treated under those so called religions.
Hahahahaha. The woman in this thing is very brave.
No! Not going to happen - “one of King Abdullahs favourite programmes.”
And the men there obviously feel they can justify it, “Because it’s our religion!”
Wow! I hope whoever made this show stays safe.
Bravo to them—very courageous.
Islamic Comedy... another oxymoron.
One of the most dangerous scenarios in the world would be an armed uprising in Saudi Arabia with the hardline activists taking control of the western part of the pennisula (including Mecca and Medina) and leaving the house of Saud in control of the east and all the oil.
I am sure this will cause some Islamic Terrorists to behead a few women and infidels...maybe even an excuse to build the Islamic Terrorist Hall of Fame near the WTC site
That would be a perfect opportunity to turn mecca and medina into radioactive glass. I fail to see the problem.
—yep—IIRC, the Ayatollah made the statement that “there is no humor in Islam”-—
The shock lies in discovering that despite his religion, they come to respect him for his honesty and generosity.
Yup, those producers have a death wish....or are very well connected.
gee they exported the feminist PC (girly man, unwatchable) “My Boys”.
**Note: The Quran advocates abusing women and children.. because in the Quran they are on the level of animals.. Pretty much anything is allowed.. even worse than some sex cults in the U.S... because it is LEGAL THERE... Marriage there is like owning a pet.. but in the U.S. some things are illegal perpetrated on pets....
The problem really surfaced when she took a picture of her husbands.
Dear Akmed,
If she had merely watched and laughed at the accursed television, then you would be entitled to cut out her tongue and one eye. But since she said she wanted another husband she has committed adultry in her heart and will have to be stoned too.
The Mullah
Sounds pretty funny, especially the episode about the brother that becomes a Christian priest.
Apparently that’s not what King Abdullah believes.
Hilarious! LOL
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