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The press lead us to believe this was paid for with food stamp reductions. Read the bill for more recissions.
1 posted on 08/13/2010 7:54:24 PM PDT by aimhigh
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To: aimhigh

You will also note that the title of the bill has nothing to do with the text of the bill. They gutted the old language and inserted new text. But they kept the old title to ensure no one would find it. Scumbags.

2 posted on 08/13/2010 7:55:57 PM PDT by aimhigh
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To: aimhigh


3 posted on 08/13/2010 7:56:49 PM PDT by BenLurkin (Will must be the harder, courage the bolder, spirit must be the more, as our might lessens.)
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To: aimhigh

What’s a few more dead soldiers when you can have dozens of “Democrats” re-election campaigns funded..

4 posted on 08/13/2010 8:03:26 PM PDT by historyrepeatz
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To: aimhigh


5 posted on 08/13/2010 8:04:14 PM PDT by goodnesswins (You R more likely to die by an FDA approved pharma than a nutritional supplement)
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To: aimhigh

Regime Change begins at home...

6 posted on 08/13/2010 8:04:59 PM PDT by DTogo (High time to bring back the Sons of Liberty !!)
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To: aimhigh

Can’t wait to see how many teachers jobs get “saved”.

In our area, the cuts have already happened and the school budgets have already been voted upon.

They can’t bring back teachers w/o putting it up to the vote, and the public isn’t in the mood.

7 posted on 08/13/2010 8:07:26 PM PDT by Scotswife
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To: aimhigh

The progressives in Washington are destroying this economy to create a worse crisis than the 2008 melt-down. We are headed for complete government control. Grab onto your possessions, because they would like to take everything you own and all your freedom away, all in the name of fairness and redistribution of wealth. The gloves have come off and they are embolddened enough to dare you to challenge them. Pray for our country.

8 posted on 08/13/2010 8:08:32 PM PDT by Kryn-Man (Self-righteous, gun-totin', military-lovin', redneck)
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To: aimhigh

Wow. Thanks for posting that. Quite an eyeful of cuts. Not only Defense either. It’s quite obvious that they were able to go after quite a few federal agencies in order to give this gift to the unions.

It’s quite the stomach turner, I must say.

9 posted on 08/13/2010 8:09:56 PM PDT by Daisyjane69 (Michael Reagan: "Welcome back, Dad, even if you're wearing a dress and bearing children this time)
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To: aimhigh
.....We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.

It's coming again.

11 posted on 08/13/2010 8:13:41 PM PDT by Bryan24 (When in doubt, move to the right..........)
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To: aimhigh


12 posted on 08/13/2010 8:15:57 PM PDT by Marmolade
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To: aimhigh

“Transparency” my azz. This makes Watergate look like a fly swat. Every voting citizen should see this and understand that the Democrats/Progressives are snake oil salesmen. This makes my blood boil. Un-freakin’-believable.

13 posted on 08/13/2010 8:16:20 PM PDT by historyrepeatz
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To: aimhigh

yes screw our guys and the country but bail the unions..and finance the Democrat elections. where do you guys think all this unaccounted for money is going..???

16 posted on 08/13/2010 8:18:31 PM PDT by dalebert
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To: aimhigh

yes screw our guys and the country but bail the unions..and finance the Democrat elections. where do you guys think all this unaccounted for money is going..???

17 posted on 08/13/2010 8:18:38 PM PDT by dalebert
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To: aimhigh
Operation and Maintenance, Army National Guard, 2010’, $28,000,000

As the father of a National Guardsman deploying to Iraq, this does not make me happy.

19 posted on 08/13/2010 8:21:36 PM PDT by EternalVigilance (Big tyrants can't succeed at their tyranny without the help of a million petty tyrants.)
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To: aimhigh

What is documented here is Pure Treason. The only question is: Do they deserve trial before execution? Just asking.

28 posted on 08/13/2010 9:05:43 PM PDT by J Edgar
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To: aimhigh

The communist King Obama will reduce America so it will be unable to protect itself.

29 posted on 08/13/2010 9:20:20 PM PDT by Logical me
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To: aimhigh

Why didn’t they just print more money for this bailout too?

Oh! Maybe cause they WANT to cut defense.

30 posted on 08/13/2010 9:29:40 PM PDT by Zack Attack
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To: aimhigh

Here is HR 1586 you referred to:


Congress > Legislation
H.R. 1586:
FAA Air Transportation Modernization and Safety Improvement Act
111th Congress
> Overview
- Summary (CRS, PVS)
- Votes
- Full Text
- Committee Assignments
- Amendments
- Related Legislation

Track H.R. 1586

This feed includes all major activity on this bill and its amendments, references in the Congressional Record, and relevant upcoming committee meetings.
Preview Feed >

Primary Source
See H.R. 1586 on THOMAS for the official source of information on this bill or resolution.

An act to modernize the air traffic control system, improve the safety, reliability, and availability of transportation by air in the United States, provide for modernization of the air traffic control system, reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration, and for other purposes.

32 posted on 08/13/2010 10:18:38 PM PDT by Cindy
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To: aimhigh

Posted this to facebook. Friend explained that recissions were funds not spent yet from those budgets. She said they don’t represent cuts and her knowledge is from her job as a grant writer in a large Texas school district. Please clarify and state the truth in this thing. If I am going to stand up for these things I don’t want to sound like the liberals that go off half cocked. I guess it is my fault for not questioning first. But I would love some clarification that I can understand about this issue.

Great line singling out Texas in there. How can a Texas rep, Doggett, be so political that he punishes his state and support something so unfair.

40 posted on 08/14/2010 7:01:08 AM PDT by outinyellowdogcountry
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To: All

NOTE The following text is a quote:

Home • Briefing Room • Speeches & Remarks

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release August 10, 2010
Remarks by the President on Teacher Jobs

Rose Garden

11:43 A.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: Good morning, everybody. One of the biggest challenges of this recession has been its impact on state and local communities. With so many Americans unemployed or struggling to get by, states have been forced to balance their budgets with fewer tax dollars, which means that they’ve got to cut critical services and lay off teachers and police officers and firefighters.

It’s one thing for states to get their fiscal houses in order and tighten their belts like families across America — because families have been doing it, there’s no reason that states can’t do it, too. That’s a welcome thing. But we can’t stand by and do nothing while pink slips are given to the men and women who educate our children or keep our communities safe. That doesn’t make sense. And that’s why a significant part of the economic plan that we passed last year provided relief for struggling states — relief that has already prevented hundreds of thousands of layoffs.

And that’s why today we’re trying to pass a law that will save hundreds of thousands of additional jobs in the coming year. It will help states avoid laying off police officers, firefighters, nurses and first responders. And it will save the jobs of teachers like the ones who are standing with me today. If we do nothing, these educators won’t be returning to the classroom this fall. And that won’t just deprive them of a paycheck, it will deprive the children and parents who are counting on them to provide a decent education. It means that students in Illinois and West Virginia who count on Rachel and Shannon are going to be not getting the education that they deserve. It will deprive countless cities and towns of the law enforcement officials and first responders who risk their lives to keep us out of harm’s way. It will cost us jobs at a time when we need to be creating jobs. In other words, it will take us backwards at a time when we need to keep this country moving forward.

Now, this proposal is fully paid for, in part by closing tax loopholes that encourage corporations to ship American jobs overseas. So it will not add to our deficit. And the money will only go toward saving the jobs of teachers and other essential professionals.

It should not be a partisan issue. I heard the Republican Leader in the House say the other day that this is a special interest bill. And I suppose if America’s children and the safety of our communities are your special interests, then it is a special interest bill. But I think those interests are widely shared throughout this country — a challenge that affects parents, children and citizens in almost every community in America should not be a Democratic problem or a Republican problem. It is an American problem.

I’m grateful that two Republicans joined Democrats to pass this proposal in the Senate last week. And I’m equally grateful that Speaker Pelosi has called back the House of Representatives to a special session so that they can vote as well.

I urge members of both parties to come together and get this done so that I can sign this bill into law. I urge Congress to pass this proposal so that the outstanding teachers who are here today can go back to educating our children. America is watching and America is waiting for Washington to act. So let’s show the nation that we can.

I want to thank Rachel as well as Shannon not only for being here today, but for the extraordinary work that they’re doing each and every day with special education children, with kindergarteners so they’re getting off to a right start. And I also want to thank Arne Duncan, who has been doing as much as anybody all across the country to try to emphasize how important it is to make sure that we are providing a first-class education to every single one of our children.

This bill helps us do that. And so it’s time for Democrats and Republicans to come together and get it done.

Thank you very much, everybody.

11:48 A.M. EDT

46 posted on 08/14/2010 2:20:28 PM PDT by Cindy
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