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Booker T. Washington was the pull yourself up through work and initiative guy and that is why he is continually being downgraded and getting less and less ink compared to King and Dubois.
Other than MLK being one of the promoters of abortion for Blacks, a womanizer and a communist, he’s the perfect symbol for the Tea Party. Not getting Beck on this one.
Pray for America
As for Glenn Beck and his August 28th rally; like you, I'm not certain exactly where he intends to go with it. My adult son (age 30) intends to go (accompanied by two like-minded conservative friends) because (a) he is a big fan of Beck and (b) he is frustrated by Obama and feels his future is being ruined by liberal politicians - and he wants to 'do something'. He has hinted that he expects this Beck-led rally to be similar to the 1963 March on Washington, which he knows was a game-changer. I seriously doubt Beck's rally will be anything of the kind but I'm proud of my son's determination to do more than just wring his hands over Obama's destruction of our nations pillars. Still, I hope the Beck rally actually accomplishes something other than aggrandizing Glenn Beck, who I mostly admire. We'll see.
I think if you had listened to Kings neice you would begin to understand. I think Beck understands King better than you think.
I’m confused about this whole August 28 rally thing. Last year Glenn Beck announced that this rally was to be an unveiling of some sort of plan (called “The Plan” if I remember correctly) that was supposed to be a grand scheme to “take back” out country from the collectivists. Now Beck and others are saying that this rally is non-partisan and non-political and is about promoting good character among the citizenry and honoring veterans. What the heck? Two months before a critical election is the time for people to invest their effort and money in attending a non-political, feel-good rally with no coherent purpose? This sounds like a big ego trip to me.