I stopped after that lie of a title. If you can’t get the title correct it totally ruins the story. Of course Palin probably wanted to think that Katie was making for of her children and not their names...how mature of her....gag!
Huh? What is your native tongue?
Please provide a link to Palin's complaining regarding this dopey video. I've not seen that anywhere.
Ahhh. That explains it. Thanks for the clarification.
One more time. Sarah had nothing to do with the writing of this story or with Katie Couric’s mocking her children’s names during her practice run that was just leaked, but you’re already slamming Sarah for a variety of reasons and we haven’t even heard from her to get her reaction (if any).
I’m all but certain Sarah will find it ‘petty’ -— just one more incident of pettiness by the LameStreamMedia that remains in love with the Barack Hussein Obama (father of Meleeah & Saasha) along with “Joe” Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Rangel and every other corrupt member of the Marxist party.
“I stopped after...”
So your ignorance is self-imposed? that’s not ignorance, it’s hubris.
- JP