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New Sherrod Video: Husband of Shirley Sherrod Gave Black Separatist Speech in January 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010 | Kristinn

Posted on 07/26/2010 10:03:49 AM PDT by kristinn

A new Sherrod video has surfaced, this one of the sainted Shirley Sherrod's husband Charles making a black separatist speech, reportedly given this past January.

The video was published by the Riehl World View blog at YouTube today. Like the infamous video of Shirley Sherrod, this video is presented as an excerpt and the precise setting is not given. However, Charles Sherrod's comments are unambiguous in their anti-white, black separatist sentiments.

The four-minute-thirty-three-second excerpt, apparently unedited, shows Sherrod talking about the $13 million settlement by the USDA for the racial discrimination lawsuit brought by Sherrod, his wife and their black farmer cooperative New Communities.

Sherrod says one of the purposes of the Georgia-based cooperative was to feed "our people in the North" of the United States. He goes on to urge young blacks to use their money for the "total liberation" of blacks and to find a way to trust each other so that their riches don't end up in the hands of whites.

The video ends with Sherrod appealing, "We must stop the white man and his Uncle Toms from stealing our elections."

"Young people, you will be making more money than we ever dreamed of. Please find a way, find a way that we can trust each other so that our moneys can work for our total liberation.

"We have ideas, inventions, athletic talent. But our labor and our moneys and our contracts usually end up in the white folks' hands and pockets.

"When will we trust our own?

"Finally we must stop the white man and his Uncle Toms from stealing our elections. We must not be afraid to vote black. And we must not be afraid to turn a black out who votes against our interests." (END video excerpt. Transcription by Kristinn.)

While the liberal media has worked to portray Shirley Sherrod as an enlightened reformed racist, she smears anyone against her political agenda, especially whites, as racist. In the speech that garnered her notoriety, Sherrod smeared Republicans as racists for being opposed to Obama's takeover of healthcare. Last week she smeared Fox News as wanting blacks to live like they did under Jim Crow and she smeared Big Government publisher Andrew Breitbart as a racist who wants blacks to be enslaved again.

Like her husband, Sherrod also speaks in racist terms of "my people" and "his own kind."

h/t to Freeper diefree.

TOPICS: Breaking News; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: charlessherrod; investigateusda; kenyatta; killwhitey; machetes; maumau; natturner; russia; sherrod; sherrodney; shirleyshabazz; shirleysharpton; shirleysherrod; usda
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To: Red Badger

What fired? Noooooooooo ... Obama will claim that anyone making light of this video is a racist!

81 posted on 07/26/2010 11:58:34 AM PDT by fujimoh
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To: library user
How is it edited? Isn't this line enough, on its own, to put the nail in the coffin: "We must stop the white man from stealing elections?"

They could just say that it's out of context again, and deliberately edited. Like, there's more after this segment where Sherrod says he used to feel that way, until he learned and grew. As he became enlightened, he realized that it's not black and white, it's haves against have nots.

82 posted on 07/26/2010 12:00:01 PM PDT by lonevoice (I can see November from my house!)
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To: MozarkDawg

Have you ever seen or heard a sermon in a “black” church?

83 posted on 07/26/2010 12:01:45 PM PDT by Cyber Liberty (Build a man a fire; he'll be warm for a night. Set a man on fire; he'll be warm the rest of his life)
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To: kristinn

Michelle Obama wrote her college thesis on how blacks needed to live apart.

Don’t bother looking for it: it’s already been taken down.

84 posted on 07/26/2010 12:34:12 PM PDT by Tzimisce (No thanks. We have enough government already. - The Tick)
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To: Lorianne

I guess the Founding Fathers’ mistake was they got the slaves from Africa.

85 posted on 07/26/2010 1:01:15 PM PDT by Rennes Templar (They shall not pass!)
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To: kristinn

We need to remove this racial supremacist regime ASAP.

86 posted on 07/26/2010 1:03:14 PM PDT by LowTaxesEqualProsperity
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To: nasube

“Shirley and her husband are total racists.”

You betcha! With a son named Kenyatta and a daughter named Russia!

I kid you not.

87 posted on 07/26/2010 1:03:43 PM PDT by Palladin (Obama to BP: "Did you plug the hole, Daddy?")
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To: Responsibility2nd
So when does Obammie fire her again?

I'm not sure it would be right to fire her for whar HE said. Whole 'nother person.

It may well show that there is bias there, but anyone who stops and thinks for a minute will be reminded that SHE can't be fired for what HE said.

88 posted on 07/26/2010 1:13:16 PM PDT by Smokin' Joe (How often God must weep at humans' folly. Stand fast. God knows what He is doing.)
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To: MozarkDawg

Glenn Beck is not thinking straight lately.

I think he’s on the verge of another breakdown.

89 posted on 07/26/2010 1:13:33 PM PDT by Palladin (Obama to BP: "Did you plug the hole, Daddy?")
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To: ReneeLynn

Go for it Rush! Nail these racist bastards, the Sherrods, to the barn door!

90 posted on 07/26/2010 1:21:32 PM PDT by rcrngroup
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To: kristinn

I wish Riehl and Breitbart would do some digging into the “murder” of Hosie Miller, Sherrod’s father.

Was the white man who shot him not indicted because his act was in self-defense? Were they really arguing over a cow—or over a woman? Were they both sober at the time? etc. etc.

This was rural Georgia, but the year was 1965, not 1935!

Details, details. It’s the little things that count.

To me, Sherry Sherrod looks and sounds like a pathlogical liar.

91 posted on 07/26/2010 1:27:59 PM PDT by Palladin (Obama to BP: "Did you plug the hole, Daddy?")
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To: Palladin

Pathological! She never looks the interviewer straight in the eye. Her eyes dart back and forth after a hard question, then up and to the left. People who read body language say this is a sign that the speaker is thinking of a good, believable lie!

92 posted on 07/26/2010 1:30:21 PM PDT by Palladin (Obama to BP: "Did you plug the hole, Daddy?")
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To: kristinn

Payments of tax dollars to these beggars is criminal theft from the host by the parasite. This guy is a real bad communist in my opinion.

93 posted on 07/26/2010 1:39:43 PM PDT by millerpoger
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To: UCFRoadWarrior

“This couple nothing more than the Black Ku Klux Klan.”

They dream of becoming the Mau Mau.

They even named their son after Jomo Kenyatta, leader of the genocide againts white landowners in Kenya.

94 posted on 07/26/2010 1:42:45 PM PDT by Palladin (Obama to BP: "Did you plug the hole, Daddy?")
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To: dead
A few more firing/rehiring cycles for this woman will bankrupt the taxpayer.

LOL. That's how Obama's going to boost employment. He's going to hire the Sherrod woman five million times.

95 posted on 07/26/2010 1:42:52 PM PDT by agere_contra (Obama did more damage to the Gulf economy in one day than Pemex/Ixtoc did in nine months)
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To: kristinn

I think this doesnt count because one has to be a white conservative to be a racist

96 posted on 07/26/2010 1:43:15 PM PDT by woofie
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To: nasube

my brother was murdered by a white man but how could I condemn everyone that is white unless I had been taught some kind of hate to begin with. And I am white but murder is murder is evil and skin color doesn’t matter to the one grieving unless you want it to be.

97 posted on 07/26/2010 1:55:00 PM PDT by red irish (Gods Children in the womb are to be loved too!)
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To: kristinn

Libs railed against Palin for so-called connections to a separatist movement. I wonder what they will say about this? Not really, because I know what they will say. They will say this is just another racist smear against Sherrod.

98 posted on 07/26/2010 1:56:18 PM PDT by chessplayer
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To: ReneeLynn

said at the time she is a racist , a bigot and uses the class card and I’ve not changed my view even when some on here said she was not after the whole video came out.
She talks in present tense when talking about race and if she was over her racism she would talk past tense.
Not only that but many in the lack community show their open racism so much so that even when they take their kids to places like soccer games the black mother would be nice to the white mother until that black woman is with her black friend and then it is white scrawny girl, white bi$$$ etc.

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To: UCFRoadWarrior
many blacks are racist and open about it too.

What gets me is that these nan de pandy white liberals don't even see it as they live in their little la la land.

Maybe they should go and live in a ghetto like I have and have white this and white that called to us every day.
White la la lands liberals only see what they want to see.

It doesn't help when we have idiot liberal teachers in the school telling kids at an early age how the white person did this and that while ignoring what blacks did to each other too.
Plus what is this African American crap(which I never say)when talking about blacks in this country

Most of them cannot even name 3 countries from there let along tell anyone which country their ancestors came from.There is also white Africans too and the term African American describing blacks is just plain ignorance to history and geography

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