“..I know one of those is the Civil War. What was the other one?..”
What do you think 1775-1783 was? We call it the “Revolution” but it was every bit Civil War - citizen against citizen.
Those weren’t simply “the British”; they were Government troops. And a lot of them lived here. And the Tory militias that were raised were “homegrown” and loyal to the Crown. That was as much brother against brother as Civil War II (1861-1865)
Then, as now, there were two types of folks;
Those that saw themselves as free-born Americans with a God-given right to liberty - and those that saw themselves as subjects of something else.
Some things never change.
Even the rebels/patriots had been supporters of the crown not much earlier. Supposedly, George Washington was toasting King George at dinner in 1775.
Same as today .... thank God for the III percenters.
I feel the the WWII heroes (”The Greatest Generation”) came home and spoiled their kids rottenly to be the sixties brats and hippies (the Baby-Boomers) and are now ruling the “Media”(?) and our educational system leading the way for taking our nation down the RAT hole to Marxism!!!