Thanks PB and yes I have been known to embellish. That said, we dont really know how coordinated the attacks on the Bible and Prayer in schools between the ACLU and the leaders of the DNC.
There was a huge group of commies that joined the Party and were pointing to this overthrow of America we are seeing. That was a giant stratigic step.
Pray for America
I actually was on the premises so to speak, and was following the school prayer assault way back then.
The regular party hacks in the Demo party were at best very uncomfortable with the assault on prayer. The hard left and the atheist libertarians advanced the cause in such way as to use it over decades to wedge their way (inflitrate) the party as they have with many other red flag issues.
But when it was all actually playing out, the mainstream Dems were clinging to their remnant Dixiecrat wing, still formidable and the place that even as late as the mid-1970s was able to produce Carter (which could not happen today). I knew some prominent Dems back then and they HATED the anti-school prayer cases and cause. Not because they were necessarily religious, but just because they were pragmatic.
It’s really only after Clinton that the Dems have completely abandoned their roots in the Christian south. Look at somebody like Huckabee—20 years ago, he’s a Dem. The leadership inside the DNC was just eroded over the decades by a “red horizon,” Soviet-style colonization, infiltration, influence operation(s).
The Dems are now in the place Stalin was late in his reign, compelled to “persuade” entire segments of the population to stop believing in God. It was Khruschev who found out how impossible that was, and it wasn’t until Andropov that they decided to infiltrate the churches rather than keep fighting a losing battle against God.
Just a few religious Dems could actually start the process of turning their party back around — if they could get the rest of them to pay attention to history.
Funny thing about the commies, though. They prattle on and on and on about History but never really abide by ANY of its lessons.
Well said PB. There was the Scoop Jackson wing of the Party that fought the commies. The Scoops got ran out and embraced the secularists/atheists. Just like renaming communism to socialism or progressivism, the atheists call themselve secualarists. In reality they are the liberal atheist cult.
Pray for America and Our Troops