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Sunday Morning Talk Show Thread 27 June 2010
Various driveby media television networks ^ | 27 June 2010 | Various Self-Serving Politicians and Big Media Screaming Faces

Posted on 06/27/2010 5:10:20 AM PDT by Alas Babylon!

The Talk Shows

Sunday, June 27th, 2010

Guests to be interviewed today on major television talk shows:

FOX NEWS SUNDAY (Fox Network): Sens. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.; former Gov. Mike Huckabee, R-Ark.

MEET THE PRESS (NBC): Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz.; Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Calif.

FACE THE NATION (CBS): Sens. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., and Carl Levin, D-Mich.

THIS WEEK (ABC): CIA Director Leon Panetta.

STATE OF THE UNION (CNN): Sens. John Cornyn, R-Texas, Robert Menendez, D-N.J., Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga., and Jack Reed, D-R.I.

TOPICS: Breaking News; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: facethenation; foxnewssunday; guests; lineup; meetthepress; sunday; talkshows; thisweek
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To: caww

It seems that McChrystal and Obama are two peas from the same pod. Unfortunately, I don’t think there is much we can do about the Obamasiah until Nov 2012.

201 posted on 06/27/2010 9:59:33 AM PDT by csmusaret (50,000 sailors in rowboats using mops could do a better job of cleaning the Gulf than Obama is.)
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LOL!! not quite that good!

202 posted on 06/27/2010 10:01:57 AM PDT by rodguy911 ( Sarah 2012!!! Home of the free because of the brave.)
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To: shalom aleichem

We both know Nov. is our only hope. And it will happen they will be voted out.

203 posted on 06/27/2010 10:03:15 AM PDT by rodguy911 ( Sarah 2012!!! Home of the free because of the brave.)
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To: csmusaret

Lets hope that some of the changes in congressional seats will at least stop or slow down the rate of bills etc. they are attempting to pass. As for Bo I just hope he keeps on making a fool of himself as he is doing....and go golfing more often, eat icecream, and party hard. The less I see of this man in his office the better I like it.

204 posted on 06/27/2010 10:07:37 AM PDT by caww
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To: caww

Please let us all be on the same page. ROE are developed from the top down, not by a USA General. It was clear in media that Karzai was demanding to try our troops and pilots in civilian courts for murdering civilians (collateral damage). He was threatening to kick USA out of the country. He was going to join the Taliban. To simmer him down, our government (not military) set up these hands off ROEs where our troops’ hands are tied.

205 posted on 06/27/2010 10:11:56 AM PDT by shalom aleichem
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To: Bernard

MSM pushing McCain so he can survive against JD Hayworth. They did something similar to get him the Rep nomination in 2008. McCain must be defeated.

206 posted on 06/27/2010 10:19:51 AM PDT by kabar
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To: rodguy911
Rod, I follow Tapper on Twitter. He is very thin-skinned and does not accept criticism. Several of my friends have been blocked from posting to him, all based on criticisms of his coverage of Obama.

He is also consumed with pop culture, and will spend many Tweets talking about obscure movies, music, or cultural trends.

He is going to be so sad when he loses that This Week slot when christian Amanpour takes it over later this year. he will have to go back to being just another White House correspondent/sycophant.

207 posted on 06/27/2010 10:22:40 AM PDT by Miss Marple
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To: rodguy911
I have been wondering how the dems will wage political war as we near Nov. and got a taste/glimpse of it just now by watching Robert Mendez--socialist/NJ and Sen. John Cornyn/r Texas who forgot not to ever go on CNN.

When all the ills of the nation including a statement by Biden that Candy not so dandy played where he stated that three trillion bucks and ten million jobs that we lost "are not coming back" had to be countered by Menedez. (You gotta love Obiden)

Here's how he is instructed to deal with those kind of comments by his DNC/Regime masters. First he blames GW--its still all his fault. Then he blames obstructionist Republicans who just won't vote for anything the left wanted no matter they had majorities in both houses.

Along with more pap about how radical the tea party pats are, and how they just couldn't get good dem/rat candidates in some ares an how dingy Harry will win once his constituents hear how the other gal wants to destroy socha security and has plans to poison the air by filling yucca flats slam full of kryptonite.

Yeah Menendez is just full of chatting points from here to New Jersey.

Too bad they are all lies and Americans can see right through all his BS.

It was nice of Obiden to help us along a little. He remains the gift that keeps on giving.

208 posted on 06/27/2010 10:23:10 AM PDT by rodguy911 ( Sarah 2012!!! Home of the free because of the brave.)
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To: Miss Marple

Cool stuff, nothing like insider info from Freepers. Kinda surprising.

209 posted on 06/27/2010 10:24:55 AM PDT by rodguy911 ( Sarah 2012!!! Home of the free because of the brave.)
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To: All

I don’t usualy post to myself that we meant to read all.

210 posted on 06/27/2010 10:26:04 AM PDT by rodguy911 ( Sarah 2012!!! Home of the free because of the brave.)
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To: TomGuy

“The GOP needs a dark horse to come out of the ranks of governors or somewhere else just to get all the same-OLDs’ names out of the news.... The GOP needs some fresh faces and fresh names.”

Agree completely. While we may admire some of these former candidates, we certainly don’t want to spend our time and money resurrecting these people. Some of them have been labeled unfairly, but I think we need to move forward and not spend the time attempting to repackage them.

I also think we need to nominate someone who does not represent “historic” change. Rather, IMO, we need someone who will preserve the history and founding principles of our country. We need someone who recognizes that we operate under a constitution, someone who believes in America and isn’t working full time to divide us.

While this describes some of our former candidates, unfortunately the MSM has tainted their images to the point where supporting them would force us to play defense more than moving forward with a positive and uniting message.

At this point I have no idea who this dark horse candidate might be. We just have to be sure we don’t nominate another dead horse.

211 posted on 06/27/2010 10:56:21 AM PDT by sijay
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To: Girlene

wow..You have an excellant memory and your summary is excellant...sums it all up...with commentary!

That change from oil fuel came out of nowhere....yet, he has a point. I would differe and just drill for our OWN oil. ha.

212 posted on 06/27/2010 11:14:14 AM PDT by Recovering Ex-hippie (Ok, joke's over....Bring back Bush !)
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To: maica

I meant the military with a DRAFT could be more selective with the draft, unlike Vietnam where it was a demand for more boots, period.

213 posted on 06/27/2010 11:15:53 AM PDT by Recovering Ex-hippie (Ok, joke's over....Bring back Bush !)
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To: Fishtalk

What’s wrong with cilantro, at least on fajitas?

214 posted on 06/27/2010 11:28:24 AM PDT by Lucius Cornelius Sulla (Good night. I expect more respect tomorrow - Danny H (RIP))
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To: gov_bean_ counter

Sheila Jackson Lee of Houston was the brilliant one who asked if the Mars Rover could go where our astronauts placed the flag.

215 posted on 06/27/2010 11:38:39 AM PDT by mathluv ( Conservative first and foremost, republican second - GO SARAHCUDA!!!!)
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To: bray

Thanks PB and yes I have been known to embellish. That said, we don’t really know how coordinated the attacks on the Bible and Prayer in schools between the ACLU and the leaders of the DNC.

There was a huge group of commies that joined the Party and were pointing to this overthrow of America we are seeing. That was a giant stratigic step.

Pray for America

I actually was on the premises so to speak, and was following the school prayer assault way back then.

The regular party hacks in the Demo party were at best very uncomfortable with the assault on prayer. The hard left and the atheist libertarians advanced the cause in such way as to use it over decades to wedge their way (inflitrate) the party as they have with many other red flag issues.

But when it was all actually playing out, the mainstream Dems were clinging to their remnant Dixiecrat wing, still formidable and the place that even as late as the mid-1970s was able to produce Carter (which could not happen today). I knew some prominent Dems back then and they HATED the anti-school prayer cases and cause. Not because they were necessarily religious, but just because they were pragmatic.

It’s really only after Clinton that the Dems have completely abandoned their roots in the Christian south. Look at somebody like Huckabee—20 years ago, he’s a Dem. The leadership inside the DNC was just eroded over the decades by a “red horizon,” Soviet-style colonization, infiltration, influence operation(s).

The Dems are now in the place Stalin was late in his reign, compelled to “persuade” entire segments of the population to stop believing in God. It was Khruschev who found out how impossible that was, and it wasn’t until Andropov that they decided to infiltrate the churches rather than keep fighting a losing battle against God.

Just a few religious Dems could actually start the process of turning their party back around — if they could get the rest of them to pay attention to history.

Funny thing about the commies, though. They prattle on and on and on about History but never really abide by ANY of its lessons.

216 posted on 06/27/2010 12:10:50 PM PDT by PaleoBob
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To: Miss Didi

Hearing things like this make me so thankful for my pastor and my church. This morning was about how we would witness to a muslim to help convert him - really made one think.

217 posted on 06/27/2010 12:46:35 PM PDT by mathluv ( Conservative first and foremost, republican second - GO SARAHCUDA!!!!)
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To: Fishtalk; Alas Babylon!
As usual I'm late - hope everyone is well. Thanks again AB for your time and effort in providing the thread.

re: As for Afghanistan, America needs to figure out a way how to get the hell out of there without making it look like we’re losing.

We need to withdraw from Afghanistan immediately, except for sufficient SPECOPS forces to keep the Taliban pinned down, with NO ROE restrictions (neca eos omnes, Deus suos agnoscet - "kill them all, let God sort them out").

The withdrawal needs to be through southeastern Iran, accompanied by the seizure of their oil fields and refinery facilities and the re-establishment of secure sea-and-land-based lines of logistical support for our military. If we do that I can pretty much guarantee nobody's going to be talking much about how things look in Afghanistan... /g

I'm only half kidding, of course. The sad reality is that the war in Afghanistan, as it is currently framed and implemented, is militarily untenable. It's a no-win scenario, by design. Petraeus has been set up to fail and be the scapegoat for that defeat. It doesn't matter how good he is.

He had one small window of opportunity to leverage his public popularity and Obama's vulnerability to demand the changes necessary to give our military a fighting chance. To do that he would have to publicly repudiate the current strategy and state his own - IOW publicly defy Obama and his agenda while he's too popular to be fired.

If the comment from another poster here is correct, however, that Admiral Mullen has already publicly declared no change in the ROEs, then Petraeus has already been outplayed in the political chess game. That's assuming, of course, that Petraeus doesn't actually support and believe in the current suicidal strategy...

Our troops in Afghanistan are being set up for a reprise of the French at Dien Bien Phu and the fall of Saigon, with a big dash of Xenophon's "Anabasis" thrown in.

218 posted on 06/27/2010 12:58:41 PM PDT by tarheelswamprat
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To: tarheelswamprat

My grandson is in the Guard. He said he may be sent overseas. I told him that one of my main fears is that he would be - and left there. The o does not want young people who oppose him to be available at home.

219 posted on 06/27/2010 1:04:26 PM PDT by mathluv ( Conservative first and foremost, republican second - GO SARAHCUDA!!!!)
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To: mathluv

I believe your concern is valid. Remember that during the 2008 campaign Obama called for a civilian “Home Security” force comparable to the military. In order to implement such a thing the actual military must be severely weakened, discredited and placed in a position where they’re unable to act on the domestic front.

These people are not playing politics as usual. Watch them, watch how they’re acting. They aren’t acting as if they’re at all worried about the upcoming election. Ask yourself, why? None of the possible answers are comforting.

220 posted on 06/27/2010 1:15:43 PM PDT by tarheelswamprat
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