It has to be a nuclear leak or accident. As far as I know(reading Yonhap and the Chosun Ilbo), that spy satellites has not picked up any activity that is usually associated with a upcoming nuclear test.
Just don’t send Obama to fix the leak. Then again...
We developed the hydrogen bomb within seven years after testing our first atom bomb. The Soviets did it in five. The Norks tested their first bomb four years ago.
Even if these first tests are failures, I think we can safely assume they are not far from having a hydrogen bomb. The basic knowledge is out there.
Xenon-135 is a very good neutron absorber. It is produced as part of the fission reaction.
It will stop a fission reactor if not handled properly. Commercial reactors deal with it all the time. Someone who knows what they are doing has no need to vent Xenon to the atmosphere.
Ruh roh.
I remember back in the eighties, I would ride the bus to work, and buy a Seattle Times to read going in.
There was a small smidgen of an article saying that some stations in Sweden, I think, had detected some higher than usual radiation levels.
Took like two days after that for Russia to admit Chernobyl had blown it’s stack.
The losing North Korean soccer team may well have a new up a nuclear leak with buckets and mops.