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Obama Official: Netanyahu Waiting for ‘President Palin’
INN ^ | 6-8-10 | Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu

Posted on 06/08/2010 7:00:33 AM PDT by Tigen

The Netanyahu government’s attitude to the United States shows it is “waiting for President [Sarah] Palin, an Obama official reportedly told Peter Beinart, writing for the Atlantic Monthly news site. Palin was the Republican candidate for vice president two years ago and is considered a front-running candidate for the next presidential election in 2012.

“As an Obama official once told me about the Netanyahu team, with amazement, ‘these guys are actually waiting for President Palin,’” wrote Beinart, a senior political writer for The Daily Beast and associate professor of journalism and political science at City University of New York.

In a critical article noting that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and senior government officials preach to the chorus of right-wing and Christian fundamentalist groups in the United States,

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: Israel; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: beinart; bhomiddleeast; bibi; derangedpalinistas; israel; keywordspammers; military; netanyahu; obama; palin; palin2012; palinmessiahsyndrome; presidentpalin; queenesther; ronpauljackals; sarah2012; sarahpalin; teaparty
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To: indylindy

Thing about what really happened.

I believe the style of the attacks and the personal nature of the attacks caught Sarah Palin off guard. Not only Sarah Palin, but the entire campaign Steve Schmidt and others.

Steve Schmidt called Mary Matalin upset and had no idea what to do.

Schmidt didn’t care for Sarah Palin personally. But he wanted to win and there was nothing in the playbook to deal with those type of attacks

What happened to Sarah in 2008 was not normal.

181 posted on 06/08/2010 1:43:17 PM PDT by se_ohio_young_conservative ("I would rather be hated and be a pain in their side than hated and act classy".. me)
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To: se_ohio_young_conservative
KARMA will take care of things. I don’t have to do anything.

You remember that kid, when a fresh load of KARMA shows up at your front door in return for your posting threats like the one you made in post #91.

I KNOW you won't do anything, because you never HAD the stones to do anything, you don't have 'em now, and you never will.
182 posted on 06/08/2010 1:44:13 PM PDT by mkjessup (0bama squats to pee.)
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To: se_ohio_young_conservative

“Schmidt didn’t care for Sarah Palin personally. But he wanted to win and there was nothing in the playbook to deal with those type of attacks”

Some of the most disheartening attacks after the election came from Schmidt himself.

183 posted on 06/08/2010 1:45:11 PM PDT by JenB987 (I'm still an American and 'til they take that away from me there's no day ruined. - El Rushbo)
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To: se_ohio_young_conservative

You are delusional. After 8 years of BDS, none of those people expected anything other than what they got.

184 posted on 06/08/2010 1:45:57 PM PDT by dforest
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To: mkjessup

You are nobody important. As I said. People need to be upset about what happened to Sarah Palin in 2008. The only way to correct it is for her to succeed.

185 posted on 06/08/2010 1:48:06 PM PDT by se_ohio_young_conservative ("I would rather be hated and be a pain in their side than hated and act classy".. me)
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To: indylindy

I am not delusional.

The Campaign had no idea how to deal with the attacks on Sarah Palin. They were caught off guard. That is the truth.

186 posted on 06/08/2010 1:49:00 PM PDT by se_ohio_young_conservative ("I would rather be hated and be a pain in their side than hated and act classy".. me)
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To: GlockThe Vote

“We need to realize that Huck, DeMint, McLame, Jindle, Newt, Romney, Pawlenty, Rudy, have no chance to beat ZERO whatsoever.”

DeMint does, the rest are clowns.

” Thune has a lot going for him. “

A possibility....still way too early for a choice yet.

187 posted on 06/08/2010 1:50:18 PM PDT by stephenjohnbanker (Support our troops....and vote out the RINOS!)
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To: WVKayaker; stephenjohnbanker; All
... she had with conservatives, and we will not forget. Palin is finished.
When pigs fly, maybe. Sarah Palin is for America, and not just in it for herself. She also showed loyalty, and bravery, in supporting McLame.

"...the important thing here is that John McCain and I, we share a vision for America"
- Sarah Palin

a.) John McCain's vision for America is not a conservative vision.

b.) Sarah Palin has stated in no uncertain terms that she "shares John McCain's vision".

c.) Sarah Palin is no conservative if she "shares" McCain's liberal-progressive agenda for our Nation.
188 posted on 06/08/2010 1:50:19 PM PDT by mkjessup (0bama squats to pee.)
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To: JenB987

Right and im not defending him at all. hes a joke.

I am saying that the attacks on Palin were not “normal”. I have never seen anything like them before. I don’t think most people had.

189 posted on 06/08/2010 1:51:03 PM PDT by se_ohio_young_conservative ("I would rather be hated and be a pain in their side than hated and act classy".. me)
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To: se_ohio_young_conservative

McCain was boring, old, a RINO, and GWB redux.

Sarah gained him votes.

McCain “we have nothing to fear from Obama”

Sarah: “Obama pals around with terrorists”


190 posted on 06/08/2010 1:51:37 PM PDT by GlockThe Vote
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To: se_ohio_young_conservative

” I think most conservatives still support Sarah Palin. She is still invited to tea party events,..”

I disagree. I would need real proof of this. Conservatives here in Arizona, by and large, don’t support her.

191 posted on 06/08/2010 1:52:11 PM PDT by stephenjohnbanker (Support our troops....and vote out the RINOS!)
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To: se_ohio_young_conservative

But Schmidt sure did know how to launch attacks on her after McLame’s failure of a campaign didn’t he?

The guy’s job was to see this stuff coming. And Palin is a politician. Maybe she didn’t get that kind of treatment in Alaska but to defend her by using the excuse that she just didn’t know that would happen makes her sound stupider than she is.

192 posted on 06/08/2010 1:52:17 PM PDT by JenB987 (I'm still an American and 'til they take that away from me there's no day ruined. - El Rushbo)
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To: GlockThe Vote

John McCain. by far.

I wish she wasn’t supporting him. But she has her own reasons to make her own choices.

I would put her record up against Obama’s any day.

193 posted on 06/08/2010 1:53:31 PM PDT by se_ohio_young_conservative ("I would rather be hated and be a pain in their side than hated and act classy".. me)
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To: se_ohio_young_conservative; All
You are nobody important.

I never said I was. And if I am nobody important, you are even LESS important, because you're just a big talking punk.

As I said. People need to be upset about what happened to Sarah Palin in 2008. The only way to correct it is for her to succeed.

Well then by all means, let Sarah be Sarah, and let Sarah succeed then! She shouldn't need the likes of you making threats to people who are not supporting her that they need to "leave a light on" at night, or suggesting that someone may be digging through their trashcans and closets, now does she?

You do Sarah a disservice with such threats.
194 posted on 06/08/2010 1:54:00 PM PDT by mkjessup (0bama squats to pee.)
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To: Scythian
Looks like Secret Service men so this is from 2008 campaign? Sarah's looking great plus I need to buy the same shirt the First Dude has on

195 posted on 06/08/2010 1:54:38 PM PDT by dennisw (History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid - Gen Eisenhower)
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To: JenB987

It doesn’t make her sound stupid. It means that she had a more positive opinion of people and our society.

I don’t think she believed they were going to attack her children. She thought most people were better than that.

naive. not stupid.

196 posted on 06/08/2010 1:55:24 PM PDT by se_ohio_young_conservative ("I would rather be hated and be a pain in their side than hated and act classy".. me)
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To: se_ohio_young_conservative

She’s a smarter person than that.

She should have known that her 17 year old daughter being pregnant would be an issue. Was it right to make it an issue and attack Bristol personally? No. But this is politics. And she was going up against the biggest thugs in the game.

The campaign knew it would happen. Sarah knew it would happen or else she wouldn’t have informed the McCain camp about the pregnancy during the vetting process.

Point is, simply because she was viciously attacked in 2008 doesn’t mean we should automatically elect her to vindicate her. That is not going to help this country.

197 posted on 06/08/2010 1:56:18 PM PDT by JenB987 (I'm still an American and 'til they take that away from me there's no day ruined. - El Rushbo)
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To: mkjessup

Those tactics got Obama elected. They work.

198 posted on 06/08/2010 1:56:39 PM PDT by se_ohio_young_conservative ("I would rather be hated and be a pain in their side than hated and act classy".. me)
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To: JenB987

She deserves our support. She is one of us. She represents regular people.

The attacks on her family were worse than anything they did to the Bush family or the Dole family.

199 posted on 06/08/2010 1:58:41 PM PDT by se_ohio_young_conservative ("I would rather be hated and be a pain in their side than hated and act classy".. me)
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To: JenB987

I haven’t heard anybody say or write that Sarah should be the 2012 GOP presidential nominee to VINDICATE her for the 2008 campaign. Certainly I have never used that argument.

I simply believe she is best prepared to take Obama on one-on-one and that it will take someone with superstar abilities to defeat the Messiah. Having said that, that is why the GOP has primaries, to separate the wheat from the chaff. If Palin doesn’t pass muster so be it.

200 posted on 06/08/2010 1:59:32 PM PDT by techno
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