Kucinich, D-Ohio - Nut bag alert!
The media is in a tizzy because Rush Limbaugh (aged 59) is marrying a 33 year old woman.
The media doesn’t get upset that Dennis Kookcinich is 63 and married to a 32 year old woman. He’s nearly twice her age, older than Rush, and married to a woman younger than Rush’s spouse.
Kucinich is a little troll who should stay under the bridge. Kucinich says the attack constitutes an act of belligerence agaisnst Turkey a one time ally.
In my opinion Turkey sending the boats to break the blockade constitutes an attack against israel , a one time ally.
Anyway if the attack constitutes anything against either country isnt that their business and not Kucinich’s?
He should stay in Ohio and STFU, little idiot.
More evidence of the alliance between Western leftists and Islamic terrorists.
No doubt Kucinch, like most other libs, would’ve preferred that the Israeli sailors boarded that 6th vessel unarmed and submitted to fatal beatings by the jihadist crew.
I feel sorry for Kucinich. He doesn’t know his side lost in the public relations this time.
He should stop listening to CNN.
He means back when Turkey was a secular nation and not one bent on joining the rest of the 8th Century theocracies determined to wipe Israel off the map.
Kucinich and Helen Thomas - sitting in a tree - K I S S I N G .... first comes love, then comes marriage...
Kucinich is standing against Israel too...
Too bad they couldn’t have launched Kookinich on that Falcon rocket this morning so he could rendezvous with his mother ship.
Anoher Jew hater?
That’s what they are.
Let’s bring some honesty into the discussion.
The incredible arrogance of these people (Kucinich is just a symptom) who demand that we treat a sovereign nation - and an erstwhile ally - like a wayward child...
Sure, we have given them money from time to time, and sold them armaments at close-to market prices - but that does not make them a client-state...
Wait until China starts taking advantage of the tremendous debt that we owe then, and starts dictating our policies and our means of self-defense - although, I have a feeling that, while some will voice outrage, the majority will genuflect and comply....
Maybe he would be happy if Israel just mined the area, warn the ships and let them decide if they want to, either, go to Israel first or try and go through the mine field. It could be their choice.
Finally, a Democrat Ron Paul can respect!
Hey Dennis, why don’t you go and bankrupt another city or two?
The ManWomen from your homeworld of Beta Dwarf II need you.
Go to them now, go I say!
Antisemitism is a disease of the Left.
In 2004 he said he was the only democrat candidate that had a real plan on his website for ending Iraq. His plan?? “”Just leave. Just get on boats and planes and sale away””. It was pretty simple, no worries for Dennis. He also wanted USA to pay Iraq war reparations(for surrendering I assume) ; but since he claimed the country was in civil war I couldn't figure out who he would pay the reparations to.
His plan for unemployment problem??? Lower SS benefits age to 55, that removes them from the unemployed. You don't create jobs, you get rid of the unemployed instead. Simple economics HUH?? SS broke?? He said pay the new SS recipients from TARP money so it cost nothing. (because democrats added TARP 900B to the Bush deficit, it didn't count against democrats so it was free.)
This is not good when duly-elected reps of the USA start to call for a reevaluation of our relationship with Israel. Not good at all.