Posted on 05/31/2010 6:02:36 PM PDT by 2ndDivisionVet
Not Repealed! Declared Null an VOID.
Oh how I pray for that day to come, thats just not a flippant answer that is Truth.
I pray that this fraud and all his accomplices of all stripes are brought to Justice for all the evil that they have perpetrated on this great nation, called America.
I pray that this fraud and all his accomplices of all stripes are brought to Justice for all the evil that they have perpetrated on this great nation, called America.
The 55% who want all Obama’s records released probably also want the tooth fairy to be real. Both have the same chance of happening!
In the extremely unlikely event that Obama was removed from office I’d expect Joe Biden to re-sign whatever Obama signed into law. However, if Congress had to pass the laws all over again they would run into trouble since their super salesman for communism would be silenced.
This usurper days of hiding his evil will be exposed
From your lips to Gods ears... God Bless America.
From your lips to Gods ears... God Bless America.
It is shameful that Barack Hussein Obama has gotten to manage the country by providing less information to his employers than a citizen would have to provide hsi employers to manage a Wal-Mart.
Well America finally got their black president.
He stole the election by illegal overseas contributions and Acorn,
It’s been proven that he was raised by Muslims and Communists and was a member of a socialist party, he shoved socialist medicine down our throats by bribing congressmen to vote for it, he lied about his past, he refuses to release any of his records, he’s plunged us into unbeliebable debt while he’s given billions to Muslim countries (just to skim the surface)- and he’s gotten away with it because he’s black.
He and the Rats knew they’d let him get away with anything before he was ‘elected’.
Not a single person has the guts to do any thing to stop him- for fear of being labled ‘racist’.
Or, we could go with Plan A and continue our descent into barbarism. With my A/C out here in Central Florida this summer night I can tell you this is not going to be pleasant option!
Obama was probably not elected; but selected and what he has done so far is illegal. One might count the Congress in on that as they most likely know.
Some heads need to roll and some need to go to jail.
I’d never heard before that Bummer had laid down some mighty fine rap and is refusing to publish it. Release those records!
I would hope that SCOTUS would step in and say that was a no go.
Yeah and some people think golf is a sport.
My wife has fourteen US patents and six European patents and has had her research published in three publications. Her carreer spans 25 years in her industry.
You would think it not to be unreasonable to aks the same of our president with not much in the way of background other than a dozen or so social security numbers and a community organizer honor badge.
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