Posted on 05/23/2010 6:32:29 AM PDT by RummyChick
This has to be cloak-and-dagger for the time being, because though weve not been sworn to secrecy on the project, were not at liberty to talk in depth about what we did yesterday, which was in response to one of the occasional requests we get from members of the media for background info on stories theyre doing.
Normally, its foreign journalists who get in touch with us when theyre in Chicago and want to go to the Southside to see how terrible it is, and talk about how Obama did absolutely jack squat for it as either a state senator or US Senator, and hasnt used any of his particular brand of unicorn horn magic to improve it (or the black community residing there) since the illustrious Golden Age of Hope and Change began on January 20th, 2009.
But, this time it was a US reporter who wanted information on Mans Country in Andersonville, which is a place both Obama and Rahm Emanuel frequented in the past. Obama until 2002 or so, and Emanuel through 2008, according to what weve been told. We spent a good amount of time on the ground in Uptown, Boystown, Andersonville, and Hyde Park yesterday with this reporter, also telling him everything we knew about Trinity United Church of Christ and the Down-Low Club it operated under Jeremiah Wrights supervision/matchmaking.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
“Bakers a diversionary tactic designed to cover SOMETHING up and we think that something is an affair Obama had with Kal Penn, which seems to have ended badly. We also think Penn was mugged not by a street thug in Dupont Circle, but by someone working for either the DNC or Organizing for America (or any number of its umbrella thugs), because Penns phone had something in it that would prove some kind of romantic relationship between the president and a Hollywood actor with zero government experience who was plucked off a TV show unceremoniously and lifted into a high profile made-up position in the White House so he could be close to Obama in Washington, where Obama wanted him. Wanted in more than one sense.
Until he didnt want him anymore.”
Hey, I’m sure that it will be hushed up if it is negative...
check out this comment..which could also be a possiblity and would have people in a tizzy
“Here is scenario number 2.
Kal Penn really was mugged. Dumb luck. They get his phone. Kal Pen has to admit to secret service, Pres Obama and various other sundry people that his phone had the sex tape, the love notes and the other relationship/groupie stuff on it.
Uhoh! Now a common criminal somewhere has allllll this incriminating material. Kal Penn slinks off into the sunset and the Rumor Command, Control and Insertion team go into overdrive trying to insert tons of stories about Obamas heterosexual insatiability into the nations stream of consciousness. while waiting for the shoe to drop.
hmmmm ..”
Good thing I haven’t had breakfast yet. I really don’t want all the details.
I hate these things. They smack of the truth but never seem to produce anything.
I’d give anything to see Zero have a “John Edwards trapped in a hotel bathroom” moment.
In the meantime, the demographic group that has the highest rate of HIV infection? Black heterosexual women.
Now tell me why no one has made this connection in the MSM.
I like scenario 2. Hopefully the phone falls into the right hands and all the info is posted on the web before law enforcement gets it.
Ha, think that I will wait for the tape on that... Sounds unlikely at best.
Just sayin'.
I never heard of this. Was the club Hillbuzz is talking about called “Down Low”? I haven’t heard the story about Wright having a club.
Interesting that Rahm was going to Man’s Country. Of course, I always figured he was gay.
If this was true they would be able to triangulate the phone and kill the robber. Okay, that would be a spy movie.
From what I gather, the 'club' in the article is called 'Man Club'.
The uptown/boystown area of Chicago is dominated by homosexuals. A good friend of mine (who is gay) used to live there. It got too much for even him and he moved Downtown.
Rumors have persisted for years that one of the 'ring leaders' is none other than P-Diddy himself.
From what I've read, most of these D-low guys don't consider themselves gay. Without being too crass, their belief is 'if someone wants to ____ my _____, that doesn't make ME gay.' There are many, too, that believe its origins come from prisons, where homosexual acts are used more for power than anything.
It’s called Man’s Country. I am still trying to figure out if this is the one supposedly involving Wright or if it is a different one. Not finding much on the internet.
This philosophy would fit in with Obama’s NPD..
There's a female DJ out of Atlanta, I believe, who has been talking about the D-low for years, and have even given obvious clues to who the major brokers are. She was going to give names but started receiving threats to her life (or so I read).
It is likely that Obama spent a good deal of his teenage days in a perverted relationship with Frank Marshall Davis.
It's all part of the counterculture embrace of every imaginable grotesquery. I have no doubt that Obama's mommy and grandparents were aware of the whole thing and considered it to be a healthy expansion of Obama's youthful horizons.
Our "I want it all and I want it now" nation has endorsed every kind of greed and lust while rejecting any circumspection. Now God has given us a leader who reflects what we ourselves have become - corrupt in every way.
I pray that God will have mercy on us and preserve a remnant of His children, but it won't surprise me if we have gone too far.
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