Russia's Medvedev hails "comrade" Obama
Associated Foreign Press (AFP) ^ | April 2, 2009 | Anna Smolchenko
"Russia's Dmitry Medvedev hailed Barack Obama as "my new comrade" Thursday after their first face-to-face talks"
April 1, 2009:
"Obama, Medvedev pledge new era of relations":
President Obama and Venezuela dictator Hugo
Chavez at the 2009 Summit of the Americas in Trinidad.
Note the "soul bro" handshake. (my caption)
Obama, Chavez shake hands at Americas Summit:
If the US is so pro-Capitalist and religion-tolerant today, why on Earth are we building up Islamic states all over the world, the Saudi terror families, the Iraq goverbnment that allow Christian to be killed en masse...dittoes for afhganistan...and Egypt...and the Turk parastate ...and the ChiComs. If our precious resources were not buying every piece of crap the chicoms make there would be no Chi coms.
BTW-Photo ops don’t mean anything...don’t be such a dupe.