I’m not going to try to make any excuses or lash out at liberals or gay Leftists. This is damage that the social conservative movement has brought on itself. There is no deflecting or minimizing it. Rekers destroyed his own credibility and undermined the credibility of the groups he affiliated with. And to be so reckless about it—hiring gay prostitutes off a website. Like it or not, this is going to set back the traditional marriage and anti-gay adoption movements. Is the criticism and ridicule over the top? Sure. But that is no one’s fault but his and also Dobson’s for not investigating him better.
“But that is no ones fault but his and also Dobsons for not investigating him better.”
Dobson helped make Ted Haggard the big shot he became, as well.
From the article, Haggard is attending college, and still begging for money.
Dobson doesn’t display much judgement in picking people.
But the SoCons will try, of course...further alienating mainstream conservatives and those important swing-voters, both of whom could help achieve their goals.
They'll once again take us all down another notch, I fear.