If a volcano erupted smack dab in the middle of Cannes, the world might be a better place.
You really do not know when a volcano will erupt, or how long it will blow. We were stuck in Zurich for the last round, and it was very unsettling. Folks are traveling as if everything is over, but some travelers are still stuck — in Hong Kong, in Borneo, in India, I was reading.
I would be in Europe if I had had tickets this month, too; but I would have made contingency plans to stay there for months if necessary.
Four hundred years ago this volcano had an eruption that lasted two years. Only an idiot girbilist who is too lazy to read his homework assignment would assume this was over.
Katla is waking up!
Katla Kan’t Wait!
Welcome Back Katla!
What happened to the stories about all the original cancellations being an overreaction?
Probably went the same place the fat-fingered trader stories will go the next 900 point drop day.
I am still trying to pronounce the name of this volcano. I watched a program on cable TV and the announcer prounounced it some like A-eh-FLEC-ya. When it first happened a freeper said it was pronounced eye-yaff-yalla-yerkel. Do you know?
Will it ruin Cannes?
Only if we are lucky!
Don’t worry. Cannes are recyclable.