I wish there were a way we could get a huge group to start promoting travel to ARIZONA! I think it would be great to get tea party folks and like minded conservatives to do everything possible to elevate business and trade in Arizona! We could bust these worms who want our laws to continue to be broken!
I think we’re going to see a lot of people moving to AZ; in fact, I’m seriously wondering if there isn’t going to be a huge shifting of population among states on political grounds alone. I’ll stay in MA while my parents (in their 80’s) live, but could be talked into seeking political asylum very easily.
I guess it’s the ego you get when you’re a city of just over a 3rd of a million of people and the only other major city that’s around you may as well be a part of your city since you’re so close together. The mayor, much like many other Minneapolitain, have this air or unearned arrogance. It’s because Minneapolis has made a living seeming as though it’s more significant than it actually is by stealing Saint Paul’s thunder for ages. The Mayor’s bought into the hype that his city of 380 thousand people actually means something nationally. It doesn’t. It’s a small sized urban outpost located by another small sized urban outpost when put together, make up a medium sized urban outpost of around 600K people and falling. He’s just the mayor of the western half of a remote, Denver sized city. It’s so small that I usually tell people I’m from the state of Minnesota when I go out of town, since few people have heard of Minneapolis.
Oh, and Minneapolis is full of militant vegans.