Just think of the job-security for the DEA if sodium chloride is classified as a schedule II controlled substance!
A more accurate picture of our incubent society is found in the movie “Demolition Man.”
I thought it was hilarious when I first saw it -
..... then it started to happen.
Well, they are going to force companies to put the nutrition labels on the front of the boxes.
Because apparently people are too stupid to look at the side of the box if they want that info.
Looks like their anti-capitalist push against Big Oil is losing stem so now they have to go for Big Food.
We are now so beyond....
“First they came for the smoker, I wasn’t one so....”’s not even funny anymore....
Looks like I might have to start stockpiling salt next to the 3 large cases of incandesant lightbulbs I have stashed in my garage, ever since the ban on the bulbs was announced, I have purchased 1 or 2 packs every time I go to the store. I have over 200 packs stashed away now, I figure eventually their will be money to be made on the black market with them if nothing else. I guess I need to start adding a canister of Mortons to my shopping ritual.
Resistance is futile; futile, futilll...
Like when gov used to say carbohydrates were good for you or that salt caused high blood presure and other myths.
I never depend on the government for my information on health. I depend on private drs not connected to Washington or some conglomerate to tell me whats good and whats not.
One more reason I like to watch Anthony Bourdain:,9171,1987591,00.html?xid=rss-topstories
Anthony Bourdain, speaking for chefs everywhere, describes salt as the one irreplaceable ingredient in the kitchen. “It’s what makes food taste good,” he says. “Traditional, intelligent and skilled used of salt has become confused in the minds of nanny-state nitwits with the sneaking of salt into processed convenience foods. Nothing else encapsulates the mission of the food ideologues better than this latest intrusion: they desire a world without flavor.”