Time to pray for a just outcome.
Thanks for making us aware of the factual developments.
If Obammy really cared about the Lt. Col. and the rest of our troops he would simply release an original Hawaiian, long-form birth certificate with the signature of the the delivering doctor - the same as what other people have who were born in Hawaii in 1960 and what the troops had to provide to get into the military in the first place.
To me this simply means Obama has no true Hawaiian birth certificate.
It’s absolutely unreal that America has come to this. May God protect our nation.
Good luck to LTC Lakin....he is doing something that all should be doing....challenging the legality of Obama in office.
I think some of these charges will be thrown out by the judge....they basically charged him twice for the same thing.
Of course....the Army will back off once Obama has to release the long form BC
I’m still skeptical this will ever see the inside of a courtroom. But if it does they are charging him with disobeying a direct order so the prosecution will have to prove it is a lawful order. That means obumber will have to be proved legit.
they are charging him for not obeying the orders of LTC’s and Colonels
This makes me sad.
FYI, Colonel Peter McHugh is the Garrison Walter Reed garrison commander.
Colonel Gordon Roberts is the Medical Brigade Commander, and a Medal Of Honor winner (as an enlisted soldier).
Could not find what Lieutenant Colonel William Judd is.
The same laws that apply to this Lt, need apply to the so called Commander in Chief. Military justice must consider the fact that if the so called president is not eligible to serve. Each and every soldier could be in violation of international law. they are performing an act of aggression that could be viewed as terrorism. The person whom is ordering them to shoot is not legally in his place. The Haque could have a field day with the same laws. remember O signed the Interpol agreement, the Haque could come in and take the American soldier and prosecute them in a world court because of the same accord that Obama signed The soldier has no standing because the executive order as signed by Obama has surrendered American Sovereignity to a World Court. Just wait this will come into the forefront soon enough.
Text of the Oath:
I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.
From Wikipedia.
everything is explained here..
Military Law and Precedents, Volume 1
More power to Lt. Col. Lakin.
He has followed his conscience. His causeseeking to resolve doubt on Obama’s birth certificate and hence Obama’s qualification to be commander in chiefis reasonable and just.
Lt. Col. Lakin’s military record of long-time and distinguished service speaks for itself. Obama has no valid reason not to permit the birth certificate to speak for itself.
1) He has followed his conscience.
2) The specified court martial charges/procedures may indeed not permit consideration of Obama’s birth certificate.
But this very exclusion will publicly accentuate the unreasonable withholding of this document.
And that is Lt. Col. Lakin’s objective.
Speculative scenario:
Lets say the Courts Martial convenes and Lakins representation tries to force the eligibility issue. At that point someone (a courier, a State Department flunky, a Perkins & Coie lawyer, whatever. Besides, I dont know how the courts rules would allow for this and Im just speculating) asks to address the court and submit a certified copy of BHOs BC in a sealed envelope from Hawaii. How the President is disappointed that a decorated officer has been fooled into sacrificing his career over this issue, blah blah blah And might he be allowed to submit the Presidents birth certificate for the courts consideration.
It seem that then Lakin would be dead in the water. And BHO get a club to beat birthers with of something like: Look! I gave a certified copy to a court to try and save an officers career. And they just moved on to their next talking point and still wont shut up!
Now I dont think this will necessarily happen, but it might be a clever stratagem.
It certainly wouldnt shut anyone up.