1 posted on
04/10/2010 5:49:28 AM PDT by
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To: quesney
I doubt that if the Russians are stupid enough to play anything in it, on their own land.
77 posted on
04/10/2010 6:45:57 AM PDT by
To: quesney
83 posted on
04/10/2010 6:48:25 AM PDT by
To: quesney
Why do they need Putin to investigate an accident caused by pilot error?
To: quesney
You don’t have to work for the NSA to know what happened to the Polish President.
93 posted on
04/10/2010 6:58:50 AM PDT by
("Pro deo et Patria.)
To: quesney
97 posted on
04/10/2010 7:08:15 AM PDT by
A.A. Cunningham
(Barry Soetoro is a Kenyan communist)
To: quesney
ABC News: Vladimir Putin to head investigation into cover-up of Polish president's death
There, fixed it.
To: quesney
Pass the polonium please....
101 posted on
04/10/2010 7:11:38 AM PDT by
(He that hath no stomach for this fight, let him depart!)
To: quesney
Vlad the Investigator! I’m sure we’ll get a thorough and honest report.....
110 posted on
04/10/2010 7:22:18 AM PDT by
(I always look for the union label. So I know what NOT to buy.)
To: quesney
You know, it could just have been an accident...nothing ever happens between Russia and Poland..nothing.
114 posted on
04/10/2010 7:28:16 AM PDT by
(WARNING:Taking me serious could cause stress related illness.)
To: quesney
Who would benefit from this tragedy. Putin ? I don't think so.
Chechen Islamic Terrorists ???
On the other hand Poland is the only
EU country to not have a recession.
116 posted on
04/10/2010 7:31:31 AM PDT by
(Psalm 119:174 I long for Your salvation, YHvH, Your law is my delight.)
To: quesney
A scan of a list of 88 passengers aboard the plane published on a Polish government website showed the names of Poland's chief of staff, General Franciszek Gagor, and Major General Bronislaw, head of operational forces.General Tadeusz Buk, head of land forces, air force commander Andrzej Blasik and special forces chief Wojciech Potasinki, as well as navy vice-admiral Andrzej Karweta, were also on the list
This just horible!
A complete decapitation of the Polish military.
To: quesney
I imagine that will go about like our DOJ and the black panther voter intimidation case...
123 posted on
04/10/2010 7:38:33 AM PDT by
(CNN is down to Three Hundred Thousand viewers. But they worked for it.)
To: lonevoice
“Also on board were leading members of Poland’s political elite, including the army chief of staff and the governor of the central bank. “
Prayers for Poland and the families of the deceased.
To: quesney
128 posted on
04/10/2010 7:45:18 AM PDT by
Liberty Valance
(Keep a simple manner for a happy life :o)
To: quesney
Putin involvement is to ensure that it not discovered that Russia was involved.
130 posted on
04/10/2010 7:48:29 AM PDT by
To: quesney
Mr. Fox, may I show you to your new henhouse?
136 posted on
04/10/2010 8:08:15 AM PDT by
( "It does no good to be a super power if you have to worry what the neighbors think." BuffaloJack)
To: quesney
SO, people were already poo-pooing the “conspiracy theory” that the Russians might be involved in this somehow — THEN I see that Putin will personally head the investigation?!
Lemme see....Dead, poisoned former KGB spies; a poisoned Ukrainian President; a WAR against Georgia; resuming surveillance flights over the West, esp. around the United States; Selling weapons to Venezeula — maybe nuke technology; selling IRAN nuke technology; intimidation of POLAND and the Czech Republic regarding a US missile shield...and NOW Putin wants to PERSONALLY head the investigation?!
No, no reason at ALL to be suspicious of this totally, COMPLETELY random, tragic, accidental plane crash IN Russia... Geez!
139 posted on
04/10/2010 8:10:04 AM PDT by
patriot preacher
(To be a good American Citizen and a Christian IS NOT a contradiction. (www.mygration.blogspot.com))
To: quesney
You gotta be kiddin’ me!
146 posted on
04/10/2010 8:29:09 AM PDT by
(It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from its government -- Thomas Payne)
To: quesney
They’ll probably use the same investigators that concluded that the Nazis were guilty of the Katyn massacre.
To: quesney
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