They certainly do prosecute Muslims who are involved in terrorist activities. Look at Sami al-Arian, the Holy Land Foundation, or the “Lackawanna Six”, or, right in my back yard, the “North Carolina Seven”, for starters.
If prosecutions of Muslim terrorist conspiracies may be fairly rare, prosecutions of non-Muslim domestic terrorist conspiracies are even more rare. They certainly didn’t prosecute any of the neo-Nazi buddies of that old nut who shot up the Holocaust Museum, either.
Criminal conspiracies are hard to prove. Just announcing that you hate Americans or the government and would like to kill them isn’t enough. We’ll see what evidence they have in this case, but I have a feeling it will be more than just rhetoric. You don’t often get to be a federal prosecutor by doing things that get you laughed out of court.
Yes, you are right that some Muslims have indeed been prosecuted. But so far - and hopefully we will see what the facts are at some point - these people, fools that they may be, were doing less than what has been happening at various Islamic training camps for some years. Why won’t the feds go after the Muslims?
And the fact that the Southern Poverty Law Center and CAIR are involved totally stinks.