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To: The Pack Knight

Yes, you are right that some Muslims have indeed been prosecuted. But so far - and hopefully we will see what the facts are at some point - these people, fools that they may be, were doing less than what has been happening at various Islamic training camps for some years. Why won’t the feds go after the Muslims?

And the fact that the Southern Poverty Law Center and CAIR are involved totally stinks.

357 posted on 03/29/2010 11:34:40 AM PDT by little jeremiah (Asato Ma Sad Gamaya Tamaso Ma Jyotir Gamaya)
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To: little jeremiah

SPLC’s and CAIR’s involvement does stink. I don’t think we really know what these Hutaree people were doing. The allegation is that they were actively plotting to murder a police officer and then detonate a bomb at his funeral. We’ll see if they have enough evidence to support that allegation - that’s what trials are for.

I don’t know if those Islamic training camps involve actual terrorist plots, or, if they do, whether the feds know about them. I have a hard time believing that they’d look the other way if they did know, though. While I do know that American Islamic groups preach a lot of vile stuff, that’s not enough to constitute a criminal conspiracy. If there was evidence of an actual conspiracy or plot, I doubt even a hard-core leftist prosecutor would leave it alone.

Most federal prosecutors have political ambitions; that’s the nature of the job and the way they’re appointed. While I don’t doubt that some, if not many, sympathize with the likes of CAIR and the SPLC, their own careers come first. I don’t care what side of the aisle you’re on, being the guy who foiled a terrorist plot looks a hell of a lot better on your resume than being the guy who let a terrorist attack happen. If there’s a high-profile crime they think they can get a conviction on, they’re going to prosecute it.

362 posted on 03/29/2010 12:06:42 PM PDT by The Pack Knight (Duty, Honor, Country)
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To: cripplecreek; Smokin' Joe; Travis McGee; little jeremiah; MamaDearest; JustPiper; LucyT
The link below is to a Dept. of Homeland Security report, from last year, that starts with the "White Supremacist" and "anti-government" rhetoric claiming they have plans to carry out "violent acts" because of the current economic conditions causing foreclosures, unemployment, the first black president, etc. as well as saying the conditions are ripe for "recruitment".

It's interesting reading in light of current events.

369 posted on 03/29/2010 12:29:58 PM PDT by Oorang (Tyranny thrives where government need not fear the wrath of an armed people - Alex Kozinski)
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