Posted on 03/23/2010 8:31:19 AM PDT by OldDeckHand
WASHINGTON - Federal prosecutors are considering filing weapons charges against former top officials of the Blackwater Worldwide private security company on allegations that they illegally stockpiled automatic rifles at its headquarters, The Associated Press has learned.
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He knows Blackwater would probably stand with the American people when the Obama thugs try a coup.
They’re an operational military contractor ... why wouldn’t they have a stockpile of automatic weapons?
Shows the folly of trusting Uncle Sam when he calls upon you and says, “Don’t worry about that stuff, I got it covered.”
One year, maybe. Next year? Jail time.
Apparently someone was TOO good at their job and didn’t read the memo that the Obama-led effort in Afghanistan is all politically-inspired ARTIFICE designed to endlessly move sideways, balancing muzzie/leftism with Joe Six Pack’s reasonably expectation that he do SOMETHING.
Yep....go after the guys that did the work that our military was not allowed to do and make them responsible for all the mistakes our government made. What a group of idiots we have in Washington. I hope Blackwater stands tall.
“Yep....go after the guys that did the work that our military was not allowed to do and make them responsible for all the mistakes our government made. What a group of idiots we have in Washington.”
They are not idiots, but they are the enemy of free people. Make no mistake, BO and his gang of corrupt czars, cabinet and allies in congress are the domestic enemy that are taking down the country from within.
I long ago advised Blackwater to put its headquarters on a privately owned Caribbean island, outside of US jurisdiction. Had they done so, they could have set up like the French Foreign Legion, recruited top talent from around the world, and been out of range of much of the American “lawfare”.
They could still have branch offices in the US, and all their relations with the USG would be via contract with guaranteed immunity.
For at least 500 years, mercenary armies were the cost effective alternative to standing armies in Europe. They are likely the wave of the future, for many missions in which it would be utterly wasteful and terribly expensive to use US military personnel.
They couldn't do that and still contract with the DOD, and especially the DOS to provide diplomatic security details. Our procurement regulations wouldn't have allowed for it, nor would our opsec requirements, FWIW.
I think it's part of the greater war against white people: They must be disenfranchised for the overall plan to be successful.
They just need to realize that if the SHTF I may have to use one or two now and then. I promise that I'll clean them really well afterward! :-)
That’s all organizational and contractual. Enough of Xe could remain in CONUS to match any requirements, with other missions in the Caribbean, and likely some spin-off companies to create a Chinese wall.
Likely there would be a detachment in Africa, as well. The bottom line is self defense from those who want to destroy Xe.
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