I have no idea what the drug culture is like in Isreal. Did you ever live in NYC?
I have lived in Brooklyn and I have lived in Berkeley while my wife was in college before medical school.
Tel Aviv is not much different; perhaps less because there is drug testing in the military and the draft get essentially all at 18.
I strongly oppose drug use.
I am well aware of what harder drugs do to people and families.
But certain people (regardless of country) are morons and there is little we can do (as a government) to stop them.
Pretty much have to treat it like alcohol: regulate it, tax it, have laws related to dangerious behavior (e.g., driving), but banning just does not work -— it just creates a black market, a scary police force, and costs a bunch of money.
And mind you, I despise druggies (which is a distinction from many libertarians, who are really libertines).
I think drug users are weak and selfish people who are a drag on society and a danger to others.
I am just practical, and think the best solution to the drug abuse is a regulation model more like booze.