Truth be told there is no such thing as a toy gun. This was not a problem in the past because children as young as 10 or 12 were in possession of BB Guns or single shot .22's and everyone recognized the importance of proper behaviour.
Nowadays, in the name of "safety" the urban landscape is cluttered with uncertainty and no one is really safe.
Best regards to all,
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To: Copernicus
Kids are painting their orange tips “blued” color for authenticity.
2 posted on
03/07/2010 2:55:51 PM PST by
(Trust in God, question everyone else)
To: Joe Brower
3 posted on
03/07/2010 2:56:04 PM PST by
(Warning! This Is A Subliminal Tagline! Read it at your own risk!(Presented by TagLines R US))
To: Copernicus
4 posted on
03/07/2010 2:56:33 PM PST by
al baby
(Hi Mom sarc ;))
To: Copernicus
a considerable amount of the criminal element are now painting the tips of their ‘Real Weapons’ with an orange tip. I predicted this years ago when I first read about this stupid idea.
To: Copernicus
Are there ANY records of incidents where a REAL criminal has painted the tip of their gun orange and used in commission of a crime? Or is this just more hand wringing?
9 posted on
03/07/2010 3:06:07 PM PST by
Blood of Tyrants
(Truth - Reality through the eyes of God.)
To: Copernicus
Yeah, I had a lever action BB gun when I was about ten. I used to plink tin cans with it.
And much earlier than that I had a six-shooter cap gun in a holster with a fake ammo belt. I used to practice my quick draw with it. I don’t remember if I was the Lone Ranger or Hopalong Cassidy at that stage.
15 posted on
03/07/2010 3:09:00 PM PST by
(Marcus Tullius)
To: Copernicus
Lots of pink guns out now for the ladies. This one comes from the factory pink. (Charter Arms)
18 posted on
03/07/2010 3:10:27 PM PST by
(I couldn't understand why the ball kept getting bigger......... then it hit me.)
To: Copernicus
Headline correction:
Orange tipped toy guns.... A good stupid idea gone bad has 'unexpected' consequences.
19 posted on
03/07/2010 3:10:50 PM PST by
To: Copernicus
Embody carried his AK 47 pistol around Radnor Lake dressed in camouflage. WTF?
20 posted on
03/07/2010 3:12:47 PM PST by
Bloody Sam Roberts
(An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject.)
To: Copernicus
These days, you just never know what you might run into.
27 posted on
03/07/2010 3:17:35 PM PST by
(You can't ignore your boss and expect to keep your job...
To: Copernicus
Orange tipped guns (real ones)I Love It! Liberalism gone beserk.
28 posted on
03/07/2010 3:20:14 PM PST by
("It's a Religion of Peace")
To: Copernicus
A dumbass idea. What prevents one from paining their uzi’s barrel orange as camouflage?
I mean, whats the point?
32 posted on
03/07/2010 3:26:16 PM PST by
(Opinions...$1 Halfbaked...50c)
To: Copernicus
Pardon me but now I’m all confused. First and foremost I want to be sure I am following the letter of the law.
Regarding my grenade launcher, do I paint the tip of the barrel orange or the tip of the grenade? Or maybe both just to be sure?
35 posted on
03/07/2010 3:30:23 PM PST by
(Until one has loved an animal, part of their soul remains unawakened.)
To: Copernicus
Truth be told there is no such thing as a toy gun. Indeed. When we were kids we weren't allowed to point toy guns at each other and were taught to aim at birds, car tires, etc. One afternoon, my cousin and I were playing cops and robbers, ignoring the rule. My mother came out to the porch and gave us a verbal lashing. We protested because we weren't using BB guns. "I DON'T CARE" was her reply.
36 posted on
03/07/2010 3:32:11 PM PST by
(Because you can't starve us out and you can't make us run.)
To: nnn0jeh
40 posted on
03/07/2010 3:39:29 PM PST by
(The offences we give, we write in the dust; Those we take, we engrave in marble. J Huett 1658)
To: Copernicus
Color me SHOCKED! (not) My 14 y/o plays airsoft. His favorite gun is the M1A1. The boys play for hours out in the woods. Orange tip or not, if he brandishes it at an inappropriate time or place he’s in BIG TROUBLE with us for being stupid. Just like if we ever see him without goggles he’s in BIG TROUBLE!
Like a previous poster said, toy guns were never a problem because people used them responsibly. Do away with the stupid orange tip requirement and let parents teach our children responsibility. Reactionary policies always backfire.
45 posted on
03/07/2010 3:46:45 PM PST by
(Eschew Socialism!)
To: Copernicus
51 posted on
03/07/2010 3:51:21 PM PST by
Evil Slayer
(Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war)
To: Copernicus
I'm not well educated on firearms. Is there REALLY such a thing as an AK-47 pistol?
Also, I noticed the so-called author pointed out these people are not breaking any laws, but refers to them as "so called law abiding citizens complete with Concealed Carry Permits". That's some pretty baffling "logic".
60 posted on
03/07/2010 3:58:52 PM PST by
To: Copernicus
Leonard Embody, also known as The Village Idiot. In one of the rare cases where a firearm actually was used to compensate for a small penis...
63 posted on
03/07/2010 4:01:18 PM PST by
( Typical White Guy: Christian, Constitutionalist, Heterosexual, Redneck.)
To: Copernicus
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