Posted on 03/03/2010 11:54:53 AM PST by Lorianne
The anger seething across the American political landscape over racial changes in the population, soaring public debt and the terrible economy, the bailouts of bankers and other elites, and an array of initiatives by the relatively liberal Obama Administration that are seen as "socialist" or even "fascist" goes beyond the radical right. The "tea parties" and similar groups that have sprung up in recent months cannot fairly be considered extremist groups, but they are shot through with rich veins of radical ideas, conspiracy theories and racism.
Already there are signs of similar violence emanating from the radical right. Since the installation of Barack Obama, right-wing extremists have murdered six law enforcement officers. Racist skinheads and others have been arrested in alleged plots to assassinate the nations first black president. One man from Brockton, Mass. who told police he had learned on white supremacist websites that a genocide was under way against whites is charged with murdering two black people and planning to kill as many Jews as possible on the day after Obamas inauguration. Most recently, a rash of individuals with antigovernment, survivalist or racist views have been arrested in a series of bomb cases.
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“over racial changes in the population”
That’s a new one!
This is a BullS#it article.. How dare these Mother#%%$ers call us F&^%$ing angry.. I have No F%&%$ING IDEA WHAT THESE F%$&^%ING A$$&OLES ARE TALKING THE F%$K ABOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!
Rage? No so much. More like alert, focused, energized and ready to take positive action.
Leftists live in a bubble.
Ref: Above
SARCASM... btw....
Yeah, the Tea Partiers are “radicals” and even dangerous.
We need more level headed thinkers like The Kenyan’s buddies — people like Reverend Wright, Ayers, Holder and Michelle.
Only the SPLC could come up with such a broad application of the race card.
There after militia’s again. This one is made up of police officers. I can’t remember all the in’s and out’s. Any time these left groups are after someone I figure they have to be the good guys.
That is how the President tried to define Scott Brown's election, attempting to give moral equivalency between the Left's "anger" at the Bush Administration with current citizen insistence on a return to constitutional principles regarding limited government, taxation and spending.
I guess they haven’t heard about beatings by unio thugs and other leftwingers of constituents at rallies. Apparntly some cannibalism too.
SPLC has no credibility whatsoever. Pure fiction.
Potok is a specialist at seeing radical right terrorists under every rock, but, when I asked him about terrorism on the left, he lamely could cite the possibility of animal rights groups being violent.
Like all on the left, Potok views everything through the radical left extremist’s filter of “right is evil,” and there’s no such thing as “right” without the qualifying “radical” or “extremist” modifying it.
He was silent when Craig Kilbourne called for candidate Bush to be assassinated by a sniper, when a crackpot filmmaker wished on film for Bush’s assassination, when another liberal lamented “where is Lee Harvey Oswald when we need him (to assassinate President Bush), when his fellow lunatics asked Tom Delay to commit suicide, and on and on,
No credibility is due Potok, or any other extremist right-hating creep from the SPLC.
We’re patiently sitting, fashioning our whip of cords...
John 2:15
Of course. Have they ever called the Black Panthers or Code Pink or ANSWER or the SDS to task for their radical beliefs? Nah, the real danger to America is a soccer mom in capri pants with a sign begging the government to stop taxing her into the poor house.
SPLC needs money. Unfortunately, their target market is too busy grabbing government handouts to give them any.
I’m waiting to hear from the Northern Poverty Law Center.
There should have been a barf alert for this one, just in case someone missed that the article was from the Southern Poverty Law Center.
There isn’t rage about the racial demographic changes. If you’re here legally, want to be American, don’t want to do us harm or upset the neighborhood, then come on down.
For future reference, just about ANYTHING released by the SPLC should be accompanied by a “MAJOR Barf Alert!”
Thank you.
Islamic supremacists have killed more than that on American soil. There was the recruiting center shooting and the Ft. Hood massacre.
Pick and choose your selective outrage, you bigots.
Why IMAGINE being angry about an America hating thug occupying the White House and doing everything in his power to destroy your nation and trample your liberty into the dust. Who could POSSIBLY get upset over THAT??!!
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