Posted on 02/19/2010 8:47:42 AM PST by Arcy
Buddhism embraces reincarnation, which has so many problems theologically and very few if any answers to those problems. Consider the following:
1) If Reincarnation is true, mankind should be progressing. Human nature should be improving. However, the truth is, moral depravity is worsening as the Bible anticipates.
2) The vast majority of the population has no memory of their prior lives. If were all a product of previous life-cycles, why dont we remember our previous lives? How can we work off bad karma if we dont recognize our prior mistakes?
3) Though there are some who claim to recall past lives, the Bible reveals that demons have existed for millennia. These demons are able to place thoughts in a persons mind in order to deceive.
4) If were all being recycled, where are all the new babies coming from? There were an estimated 100 million souls a few millennia ago, but today were approaching 7 billion. Reincarnation denies a Creator God, so where are all these souls coming from?
5) India is the cradle of Reincarnation, yet India is one of the worlds most woeful nations. Though the people are intelligent and natural resources abound, cows and rats eat their fill while humans starve. City streets are awash with filth, lined with starving beggars, and suffering is everywhere. With thousands of years to perfect Reincarnation, and countless gurus and holy men, why isnt India the shining star of human progress and spiritual evolution?
6) Gandhi stated that Reincarnation is a burden to great to bear. He saw the fruits of this practice around his country. All abroad was hopelessness and despair.
7) To break free from Reincarnation, one must live a harmless life. You cant even kill a microbe. Yet our immune system kills millions each day. This means there is no hope of ever escaping the wheel of Karma.
8) If you see a beggar wallowing in the gutter dont you dare help him! He is working off bad Karma. If you help him now, he will just have to come back in another lifetime to work off the bad karma all over again. This is why India had no hospitals or charitable institutions until the coming of Christian missionaries. The truth is Reincarnation offers no hope, provides no answers, and contradicts our God-given conscience. It is a demonically inspired philosophy intended to keep its adherents slaves to sin and death.
With their extreme over population, maybe there is something to that reincarnation stuff....
Psst, don’t tell anyone but the scuttlebutt is that Indians are being reincarnated as Americans.......
And the Gods only know what Tiger did in his prior manifestations to have this life inflicted upon him.....
>>a lack of worldliness
Isn’t that one of the goals of Buddhist monasticism.
All are Buddhist, but few are aware that they are.
Very Zen-like, that Buddhism.
The Bhagavad Gita instructs who to give charity to - those who are worthy. Also is described the motive or mentality of proper charity giving - it should not be done with contempt, or carelessly, or with thought of reward.
IOW, giving money to heroin addicts so they can buy more heroin is neither good karma or bhakti (loving service to God). The goal of Hinduism is not to do “good” karma, it is to perform naiskarma, or akarma - acts done solely for the pleasure of the Supreme Lord, or Bhagavan; He takes care of the rest.
Hinduism has a rich history of wealthy people founding and supporting rest houses for travelers especially at holy places, dharmashalas - which are homes for the elderly, widows or infirm, hospitals, schools, providing food for the poor, and so on. In the Vedas such acts of charity are given great prominence.
The Bhagavad Gita instructs who to give charity to - those who are worthy. Also is described the motive or mentality of proper charity giving - it should not be done with contempt, or carelessly, or with thought of reward.
IOW, giving money to heroin addicts so they can buy more heroin is neither good karma or bhakti (loving service to God). The goal of Hinduism is not to do “good” karma, it is to perform naiskarma, or akarma - acts done solely for the pleasure of the Supreme Lord, or Bhagavan; He takes care of the rest.
Hinduism has a rich history of wealthy people founding and supporting rest houses for travelers especially at holy places, dharmashalas - which are homes for the elderly, widows or infirm, hospitals, schools, providing food for the poor, and so on. In the Vedas such acts of charity are given great prominence.
Great phrase, and application thereof.
Did Woods say anything in his speech regarding Buddhism?
If you're a guy, you'd know it better than I do.
Seriously, imagine the paradigm change. What you've been used to for years is, if ANY girl catches your fancy for ANY reason, you start to rope her in and "get" her. That's the game. Then you save her digits in case you want more of her later. You juggle your schedule so that you're putting a nice face on for the real people in your life, and allowing enough "down time" (way down, LOL) to sample all the fruits along the way. LIE LIE LIE and carve out this screwing time into your schedule.
NOW, you are going to force yourself to try NOT to pick up on ANY woman, even the ones that throw themselves at you or TRY to tempt you. You want to be held accountable. You will need people constantly around you to help remind you. You need to rekindle with the wife so that in your mind, sex= Elin.
I think it will be very difficult for him. He seems to also want to be a better sport and a better person in the non-sexual arenas of his life as well. TOUGH. But golf is tough too, so I hope he can do it.
“Monasticism (from Greek: monachos a solitary person) is the religious practice in which one renounces worldly pursuits in order to fully devote one’s life to spiritual work.”
“worldliness - the quality or character of being intellectually sophisticated and worldly through cultivation or experience or disillusionment”
Arcy did not demonstrates his or her worldliness in the first post in this thread.
I don't think that's possible. Once a door is opened on some things, it is always remembered as open.
Instead, were I Elin, I'd back him into a corner with one other thing that apparently is also important to him: His entire fortune; lock, stock, and barrel.
Legal document that says it's hers the minute it's proven he's been with another woman.
He'd always have to fear someone gaming relationships with Elin to get a split, or Elin finding out.
In other words, make the pain of failure so bitter, so huge that he would either refuse to sign such a document, or he would live with this huge fear that he could lose everything.
That might work. An infidelity forfeiture of everything contract.
Don’t concern yourself with knowing when you will wake up. You will know when you do. It will be like sitting straight up in bed, and thinking....”Damn! Am I glad that was just a dream!”
What if that’s part of the dream also?
Yea. He will have to be more discreet in the future.
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