They don’t update in real time—hopefully tomorrow will see a big boost. Not sure that multiple views from same computer or same day increase the count—may need to be discreet views or views done over time. Key is to show it to others who will pass it along. Just sent it to Gretta. Too late for tonite, but maybe tomorrow.
Get used to it. This is the DIM-oc-RAT party & their tactics. Goons! The moron coakley just looks and moves on. what an arrogant ass.
good point
I;’ve sent to all media outlets and MA outlets plus sent to all those who I know.
I am amazed how anyone could even vote for her after that debate, I now there is a big lefty group up there but no way could there be nearly half of them
it has to be the ones who look for the letter D.
My mother in law who is up in MA has always voted Dem but this time for the first time she is not , she’s so fired up that she has got a couple of others to switch and she is taking them to the polls.
We need to keep the pressure on the media up there