Fees. Pass on to you and I.
The list, ping
Gee....who gets the bill Obammy....You are so out of here in 2012.
I wonder who is going to pay those fees? Women and children hardest hit!
In his normal fashion, he is going to charge the banks that made sound decisions for the losses of the ones that didn’t. Equal outcomes regardless of choices, it’s the communist way.
And of course we get to pay it.I’m really getting tired of this crap.Dont employ democraps ever again.
So banks that acted responsibly are going to pay for the banks that did not... And that’s going to make the banks that acted responsibly more healthy... Not... And the bottom line is we, the customers, are really the ones that are going to pay all the fees...
My first thought is that the Bank of America is one of the 40 Dow Jones Industrials, so how will “the market” react, insofar as it is a market anymore. Things are really out of kilter now, it seems to me.
Have you noticed that the DOW very faithfully tracks, without exception that I’ve seen in recent weeks, the Euro? Maybe not in exact proportion, but if the Euro is up against the dollar, the DOW is up without fail. I know there are explanations for this, but they reside in the sloshing too and fro of money, and have nothing to do with industry, per se.
My Bank (Virginia National) never took TARP funds. God Bless them for their foresight. When/if they ever go public, their IPO will be the first to perhaps signal the banking boom akin to that of the early 90s.
He must have flunked econ 101. Businesses are not taxpayers. They are tax collectors. Everyone who uses a bank will be paying this, rich guys and poor guys all the same and on top of all the other hidden taxes.
That’s great because 99.99 percent of the idiots in America will chortle in glee in the misguided belief that Obama just stuck it to those big nasty rich Jewish bankers... Simpletons won’t even notice the new and creative ways that the banks will recoup the money. Lets see, increased overdraft penalties (wonder who that will hurt the most), ATM charges, wire transfer charges, automatic payroll charges etc. We live amongst a a whole herd of poltroons.
Wouldn’t this be a decision Congress makes? The Prez just giving commands now???
Pardon me, but where does this dumbass think the money comes from? Or does he care? I guess he thinks if you’ve got money in the bank you ‘should’ be punished anyway.
Another “fee” to be passed on to the middle class....Pay attention America. When your bank charges you more fees, thank Barack “Barry” Hussien Obama Jr.-Sotero-Obama
What authority does he have to do this?
It is hard to calm down. There are so many things, in so many threads that I want to say....but know that I should not.
US Constitution, Article 1, Section 7, Clause 1: “All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.”
So, exactly where does it say in the Constitution of the United States of America, that the Executive Office of the President can create a FEE, indistinguishable from a TAX, to be applied to raise revenues to pay for anything???