Let’s see if Charlie Baker and Richie Tisei are there to show support.
Wonder if Bwarney Fwank will show up.
LOL! Crazy people are so funny.
What about Trigenders?...people who are men...changed to women who like women...that want to be men.
Is there a place for them?
Sooo who out there supports their son or daughter undrgoing sexual reorientation surgery?
homo’s now cross dressers and next week child molesters
WTF is going on
Are they not understanding who they are/
Cutting off a penis and dressing in womens clothes is not normal nor are they mentally stable.
a man having sex with an other mans arse is not normal nor are they mentally stable
Go queers!
"Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find only things evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." - Manuel II Palelogus
I think it’s possible for a small amt. of people to have a legitimate gender ID disorder,but not THIS many. In most cases it seems like some type of bizzare delusion. I’m a tomboy but I’m a woman and I know I’m a woman. How could I identify w/men? How could men identify w/women? If a man wants to have his manhood chopped off then there’s something seriously wrong going on upstairs.(Obviously).I,as a woman,cannot conceive of the idea of having my breasts removed to “become” a “man”.Or going through “hormone therapy” to have them disappear.These people are really playing w/fire.Isn’t it dangerous enough as it is for a woman to have her own hormones injected for some type of therapy? Look at what happens with birth control! Strokes,heart attacks,etc.