He is staying town for the photo op and to get credit.
Must be he’s already seen a PDF of the BC and it’s good to go.
What’s the carbon footprint for Air Force One flying to Hawaii...along with the spare, and god knows how many transports, etc., for the helicopters, limos, etc?
Real hardship for a turd that seemingly plays golf every week and jets off for “date nights” at whim.
This is a mandated order. If a President can’t go on Christmas holiday (which BTW God forbid they call it a CHRISTMAS holiday) None of them can leave; until they pass his ObamaCare communism.
Oh, from the headline I thought he was telling Americans we can’t vacation until his health care bill passes...
I think it have more effect if he went and climbed a tree at Berkley.
All 40 Republicans should just LEAVE. Today. They are not able to operate in an institution that makes up new rules as it goes. Just leave.
Well, he didn't "win" the Chicago Olympics,
he didn't "win" Climate gate in Copenhagen.
He didn't "win" the Peace Medal...it was just another Dem thing....
The cash for clunkers was a huge loss.
Owning GM is a loss.
The stimulus was union payoffs.
The guy hasn't one a thing...just the result of a huge, ignorant gimmee populus.
They certainly have their psychological warfare down to a science, constantly broadcasting the inevitability of this bill is one tactic. Keeping the senate captive til this is done is another. I posted earlier, this is classic Stockholm syndrome:
Wikipedia: The Stockholm syndrome is a psychological shift that occurs in captives when they are threatened gravely but are shown acts of kindness by their captors. Captives who exhibit the syndrome tend to sympathize with and think highly of their captors, at times believing that the captors are showing them favor stemming from inherent kindness. Such captives fail to recognize that their captors’ choices are essentially self-serving.
I hope the debate drags on past midnight so the American people finally see that he puts self above God...
Conservative lawyers better be organizing and brainstorming to find a backdoor way around some of this Fascism. Feint and dodge; fake and move, and get their attention with Constitutional challenges, but slip in through any backdoor that can be found to cut the throat of this legislation.
What a crock — the notion that ANY of these people is “Making sacrifices” to HELP Americans!!! IS ANYONE BUYING THIS GARBAGE??????
No big deal.........as he does not celebrate Christmas anyway....Didn’t want the nativity scene up, seasons greetings card and DOES NOT give his girls Christmas gifts.
I feel like I want to throw my shoe at a democrat!
Barack and I were scheduled to both leave for Hawaii tomorrow. I printed out my boarding passes this morning. I’m sure we’ll hit a lot of the same places...Duke’s, Mai Tai Bar at the Royal Hawaiian, Church on Christmas Eve...
LOL. They have to make sure the masses know that Obama was born there and this really isn't just a cushy vacation at the taxpayers expense.
He’s staying in town to twist arms, threaten, promise, cajole and maybe even blackmail. 2010 will be a bloodbath for the Dems. He knows it. He doesn’t care, because there still won’t be enough opposition to push through a repeal by override, and that means the rivets on the yoke will have time to cool and harden, as money is appropriated, federal offices are established and personnel hired, and the health care market adjusts to the new rules and burdens.
I joked today to a fellow American expatriate that the United States of America we left no longer exist. We both laughed. If you don’t laugh, you have to cry.