Absolute horsehockeystick! Soot is an aerosol which BLOCKS sunlight and contributes to COOLING. The Climate Cretins are getting too hasty while circling the wagons.
Notice the recurring pattern of attacking carbon based energy sources. The socialists are determined to seize control of energy resources to control the population.
They are now pissing into the wind- and don’t even realize it’s sprayign back all over them- Now, instead of the polar bear being hte posterchild for ‘global warming’ it’s now goign to be, apparently, the connecticut salt-marsh sparrow (which apparently is dwindling ‘because of warming’) (Golly, I wonder what the ‘salt-marsh sparrows did during past cyclical warming trends BEFORE the industrial revolution that were hotter than this past one?)
These freakin morons HAVE to get it through their thick skulls that the world is NEVER goign to give up the primary source of energy- NOR are we goign to be penalized by some self-righteous ‘do-gooders’ who think they can force us to hand over ourr hard earned money
I sure wish we could bring back the days of the wild west- where if someoen tried stickign their noses in other people’s busienss, they got their noses shot off
I read about this a few days ago and they were referring to soot setting on the snow or ice and because soot was darker it would warm up a bit. Suppose they consider the soot will fall out more rapidly than ash. NASA was also contending that China’s uncontrolled coal fired power plants was the cause.
Don’t get me wrong, I think all these algore “warmers” are full of $hite and if any warming is happening its due to either water vapor or the sun.
Yeah, I thought particulate matter was a factor in global cooling. Can’t these nutballs get their stories straight?
What the soot, carbon black, does in the air is not clear. Studies are still somewhat scattered in results since it also serves as a cloud progenitor. However, there is definite cause to believe that it increases albedo of the earth, making it slightly darker, when it comes back to the ground.
Only a 1% increase in the albedo of earth by whatever means easily accounts for all warming of the 20th Century.
I wouldn’t fight less soot-producing technologies, since it is a definite sign of incomplete combustion, and wasted energy. I want to see all of it become CO2 (fertilizer) in the atmosphere instead.