its just a tiny minority that hijack a peaceful religion, I am sure the Sauds have it under control. /S
I wonder if SANG is fighting this or the Saudi regular army?
Everyone on both sides... Hey, strap those suicide bombs on yourselves and mingle in the desert... one...two... three... GO! Kaboom!!
Yemen could be the opening act of WWIV.
So, do we go to the Kingdom of Saud next to make things stable or do we just let them all kill each other?
hahaha... this is rich.. Karma bites back
Hopefully this will clarify things for the Saud family. They have been trying to maintain an old fashioned royalist system that is hopelessly outdated in the modern world. So while the royal family may continue, their way of doing business must be updated.
To start with, they have a standing army of 120,000, with 130,000 in their national guard. This is with a population of 29M, with 6M non-nationals.
They, and a bunch of other Sunni states, are menaced by Iran, with a population of 66M, and active duty and reservist forces of about one million men. Four times as large as the Saudi army.
So Saudi Arabia needs to start doing deals with other Sunni nations and Iraq ASAP. The Saudis could easily afford to host one or two of the Iraqi combat divisions, as well as one or two divisions from Egypt, and some degree of support from Jordan.
The Iraqis would be an added bonus, because they could send units that are reliable, yet are Sunni, Shiite and Kurd. This means they could act around Shiites without raising fears that they would butcher them.
This is great. Hopefully, they will ask their US Muslim inferior for help. I’ll get the popcorn ready.
Why haven’t regional English language papers reported about this?
SA just got finished being invaded by the throngs in
Mecca. What’s the difference.
The MSM will cover it, once they figure out a way to blame it on Israel or America.
Should I feel badly about this?/s