This country is spiraling into the gutter faster than an F35 at supersonic speed. This judge is ignoring the scientific evidence that there is no gene that turns on or off for sexual preference.
Something has to give. This can’t continue.
Something has to give. This can’t continue.
Something has to give. This can’t continue.
Responsible parents need to take their children out of government schools.
A simple solution to this would be for a group of parents to set up a one year religious school, then withdraw their children from public school for that one year. The school administration will freak out, because more than anything else this will mean they will lose the State aid for those children.
For about every 30 children that do this in a year, the school will have to lose a teacher.
Just look u pthe judge - Frank Roesch. This guy is a disaster multiple ways. He is responsible for expanding the Endangered species act here amongst other things. He also has been implicated by one blogger for graft. I live in Alameda county - too bad he isn’t someone that comes up for re-election. At least there would be a way to fix it!
How ironic. Teach tolerance by throwing someone in jail.
Thanks for posting this. It’s getting serious now.
Dear Judge,
when you pay for the kid’s upkeep, then you can say what you want. Unil then, STFU ad get out of my face.
Father of 9
They can call me a racist bigot all they want, all this name calling is nothing but an attempt to silence dissent!
Not the first judge to rule this way.....
-U.S. District Judge Mark Wolf dismissed a lawsuit by outraged parents whose children attend the Lexington, Massachusetts elementary school, where 6-year- olds were subjected to a story (under the circumstances, one hesitates to call it a fairy tale) about a prince who falls in love with another prince, and they get married and live happily/gaily ever after.
In his decision, Judge Wolf wrote that public schools are entitled to teach anything that is reasonably related to the goals of preparing students to become engaged and productive citizens in our democracy.
Families dont even have a right to pull their kids from indoctrination sessions, because allowing parents to opt out could send the message that gays, lesbians, and the children of same-sex parents are inferior and, therefore, have a damaging effect on those children, Wolf wrote.
In other words, teaching that homosexuality is healthy, natural and life-affirming helps prepare students to become engaged and productive citizens in our democracy.
Consider the impressive contributions gay Americans are making to the common good.
In March, 2006, the Centers for Disease Control reported that between 2000 and 2004, there was an 81% rise in the rate of syphilis among men. The authors of the report casually noted that the vast majority of the increase is attributable to a resurgence of syphilis among men who have sex with men.
In recognition of the connection between sodomy and the spread of HIV, in May, the Food and Drug Administration continued its lifetime prohibition on donating blood by men whove had sex with other men since 1977.
Public school students will not encounter this useful information in sex education classes, tolerance/diversity training, lifestyle celebrations or during the annual Day of Silence.....
In 2006, over 4,000 schools participated in Day of Silence. While these demonstrations are facilitated by politically correct administrators or those too craven to stand up to the threat of ACLU suits, counter protests are strictly verboten and often dealt with by the metaphysical equivalent of flogging.
.... two students at the Neuqua Valley, Arizona High School werent allowed to wear T-shirts with the slogan Be Happy, Not Gay, on the day meant to protest the silencing of certain voices.
U.S. District Judge William T. Hart sided with the school, holding that Heidi Zamecnik and Alexander Nuxoll deserved to be gagged.
If anyone is likely to be subjected to bullying or intimidation on the subject of sexual diversity, its Christian students and their parents.
Nutty judge.
Nowadays...Too much yakking...not enough permanent problem resolution...
In referring to opponents of sodomite “rights” as “bigots” , the left may actually wind up giving bigotry a *good* name in the minds of many who have had their fill of self-righteous, politically correct hogwash and the left-wing low-lifes who hurl such charges.
This judge is a dumb ass and a heterophobe. Probably in the closet him or her self........Its disgusting what comes out of these judges mouths.........I wonder what goes into their mouths......on second thought I don’t want to know..
“A judge has attacked parents”?
After reading this judges b.s. it sounds like some parents need attack this judge and make him incapeable of being a judge.
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Obama Doesnt Want His Daughters Punished with a Baby
CNN on Obamas Infant Born Alive Act Rejection
Jill Stanek on Obama and Born Alive Infant Protection Act (MUST SEE)
Obama Cover-up Revealed On Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Bill
Explosive Audio Found Obama arguing against BAIPA
Babies left to die!
Obama Says A Baby Is A Punishment
Obama: If they make a mistake, I dont want them punished with a baby.
Is it bigotry to try to avoid judges who are also idiots?
Scientific research has repeatedly demonstrated that there is no gay gene. People are not born gay. They choose this lifestyle.