“Amazing, isn’t it? But there are others waiting in the wings to take Ardis place. Maybe something like Kenyanthropus, consisting of parts of a skull.
Eve was constructed from Adam’s rib but the Darwinist’s claim to be able to create a whole zoo of swinging, limping, knuckle dragging critters from even less. Of course it does take lots of glue and grinding”
Another fabulous post... I bow to your superior evolution barbs!
Wish the evo’s were that clever. Sure would make for better reading.
I had my doubts about that Jonah and the whale story but when my church told me that men had one less rib than women because God created women from man's rib I knew it was a bunch of malarky.
“Regardless of whether or not JR sanctions your lies..
They are still lies.” xcamel.