What did they expect. Inflate a balloon big enough and somebody’s eventually gonna stick a pin in it.
BUMP for excellence!
Wow! Republican gut check! Love it.
Everytime the msm and FOX put one of these CRU apologist on.... All I can think of is LIAR.
The books that were cooked with Enron, those responsible were persecuted, those who cooked the books on the Global Warming Scam, “ WE KNOW NOTHING... WE DENY ANYTHING HAPPEN .. NEVER HAPPENED... IT’s STILL SETTLED SCEINCE ...”...
On the other hand, Dr Michael Mann of Penn State invented the famed "hockey Stick" graph used by Climate Alarmists.
Both centered their lives upon crime.
Not to put a damper on things but... (pessimistic view to be sure):
We may just get past this “big lie” unscathed but the truth is the Left will never quit with these pseudo science/populist scenarios. I have ask they own the educational institutions and people aren’t’ getting better and better educations... In fact the opposite is true. So what will be the next “big lie” and will we be able to stop it with an ever dumber middle class?
Your assignment, Mr. Phelps, should you choose to accept it, is to make sure that none of the AGW scandal appears on the SRM. Mr. Phelps, why are you shaking your head? Don’t walk away, come back, come back here and take the folder. Mr. Phelps?
"Does this mean we can have our incandescent light bulbs back?"
...is going to become the rallying cry that helps drag this swindle into the light of day.
And yes, it is a swindle- a fraud and a cheat and a scam-- a deliberately designed construct intended to con you out of things you hold dear-- money, prosperity, freedom... and a few other things, as well.
I'm keeping a running file ( always updated ) on this fraud and scandal:
"Hadley CRU has apparently been hacked [epic fraud?]"
Click the picture: