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Alinsky Groups, Child Porn Convict, Socialist Tied to CCHD Funding (FR EXCLUSIVE)
CCHD Website, Multiple ^ | 11-16-09 | icwhatudo

Posted on 11/16/2009 1:01:59 AM PST by icwhatudo

The annual CCHD (Catholic Campaign For Human Development) collection will be held in churches this coming weekend-November 21 and 22.

This is the same group that was giving money for years to the Saul Alinsky-style group called ACORN before ending its relationship with the controversial group.

After much criticism for its leftwing funding, the CCHD has supposedly tightened up their standards. Unfortunately these new standards are not working because the CCHD is still funding groups that:

-Have a registered sex offender (child porn) on the staff
-Are working to change laws so you can not refuse to rent to convicted criminals
-Have an admitted socialist and friend of Code Pink member Jodie Evans as Executive Director.
-Have direct ties to Alinsky's "Industrial Areas Foundation"

Step by step evidence with links:

The "Baltimore Catholic Campaign For Human Development"'s website list grants awarded in 2009

Under "National Grants", the last group listed is:

Out for Justice / Alternative Directions - Baltimore
"A second year CCHD organizing grant will enable this project to continue to address and empower largely unrepresented persons inside and outside the prison system, with special attention on reentry into society. Contact: Mary J. Davis, 2505 N. Charles St. Baltimore 21218 Phone : 410-889-5092

The listed address for this group is also the employment address of Jay Sherr, according to the Sex Offender Registry of Maryland.

Now check out the photo on the Alternative Directions "Our Staff" Page Yep, there he is. The child pornographer himself is on their staff!

Out for Justice states on its website its 2009 priority issues. #3 was ending unjust housing discrimination described this way: "it is within the right of the landlord to ask about the criminal background of an individual and deny housing based on that background" This is something that Out For Justice wants to end. They want sex offenders and criminals like Mr. Sherr to be able to live in your private rental unit... and the Catholic Church is funding this effort!?

I really don't want money from my church collection paying a child pornographer's salary. I really don't want money from my church collection to fund efforts to change the law so sex offenders like Mr. Sherr can live near me or my children.

Another group that received money from CCHD under "National Grants"

3. 45,000 - Save Middle East Action Committee (SMEAC) "This 5th year community organizing grant continues to give voice to displaced home owners and renters, seeking new and alternative housing in the technological park/redevelopment areas, adjacent to Johns Hopkins Hospital facilities in east Baltimore. Contact: Nathan Sooy, Executive Director"

Nathan Sooy has a long history as a community organizer and is a member of "Democratic GAIN"-a professional association for individuals and organizations that work in Democratic and Progressive politics.

From his social profile at the leftwing Huffington Post, we learn CODE PINK's Jodie Evans is a friend. More on Jodie Evans here and here

. On a post at Mother Jones, Mr. Sooy wrote: "I believe that the GOP will use these racial statements by Wright to sink Obama if he becomes the Democratic nominee. And I think that they will be successful. I take great sorrow in that."...and later writes.... "So, on April 22nd I am going to vote for Hillary Clinton for President."
March 21, 2008 - 10:29am Post on Mother Jones

Mr. Sooy doesn't just post at leftwing blogs, here at Andrew Brietbart's Big Government (go to 4th comment by "Vetbill" and click on "1 reply" to see Mr. Sooy's post) he brags about being a community organizer in the Alinsky tradition and defends socialists:

"As a thirty year community organizer in the Alinsky tradition I say quite clearly - SO WHAT? Democratic Socialists of America is the American version of the Labor Party in England. And as to the fact that there are democratic socialists among rank and file Democrats - I say quite clearly - DUH! The Democratic Party has had a social democratic (democratic socialist) faction since the days of Franklin Roosevelt. "

Another Alinsky group getting funding from the CCHD in 2009 was #4 under "National Grants": P.A.T.H. (People Acting Together in Howard) According to its website P.A.T.H. is a part of the Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF)- a Chicago based community organizing network established in 1940 by...Saul Alinsky.

Word of questionable donations by the CCHD is once again spreading, causing Bishop Loveerde Of Arlington Virginia to notify his priests not to add any negative commentary to their announcement of this second collection:

"I am aware of the serious concerns about the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) collection. After much research and consultation, I have decided to authorize the collection again this year. Attached is a letter explaining my decision that you can make available to your parishioners. It will also run in the Herald next week. I expect that this collection will be taken up in our parishes the weekend of November 21-22 without any negative commentary. Please announce this collection as you would any other second collection."

The CCHD has released a carefully worded statement trying to defend itself against charges it was funding groups that went against Catholic teaching. It claims that "CCHD funds will not be used to support any application which is sponsored or promoted by an organization whose primary or substantial thrust is contrary to Catholic teaching". So as long as its not primary or substantial, groups can be against the church and still get funding from the CCHD?

In the last two defense examples the CCHD listed in the above document, it admits they were giving funds to two groups that had to be canceled in San Francisco. It also admits it has temporarily suspended funding to a group in Portland and a group in Philadelphia in order to conduct more research. This is in addition to its previous suspension of money for ACORN mentioned above. All of these admissions and changes were due to people doing the research the CCHD did not or would not do.

This is not an attack on the Catholic Church. I am Catholic. I want my fellow Catholics to know where their money is going. Mine is going to the "Little Sisters Of The Poor" this coming weekend. Please don't hold back your donations for the poor, just redirect them to a more worthwhile charity.

Please also go over the list of CCHD funding recipients for your archdiocese and research them.

TOPICS: Breaking News; Culture/Society; Front Page News; News/Current Events; US: Maryland
KEYWORDS: acorn; cchd; coi; moralabsolutes
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1 posted on 11/16/2009 1:02:00 AM PST by icwhatudo
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To: icwhatudo

I just looked up Nathan Sooy:

He’s not working there anymore - looks like he got another ‘nonprofit’ job - clean water - smells like another Foundation - TIDE - Annie Casey foundation:

Here’s his facebook - an Alinskeyite drone for sure:

He - helped get out the vote - in Wisconsin.

They won’t get my money but they will get a letter inside the envelope. My priests are good and think well of everyone therefore have no idea how cunning these people are but I’ll attempt to give them some insight. I doubt if it’ll work. Thanks the the information. :)

2 posted on 11/16/2009 2:59:52 AM PST by bronxville
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To: icwhatudo

I’m catholic too and I appreciate you letting us know what the heck is going on.
these Bishops need to be held accountable for supporting groups that are anti-Catholic.

3 posted on 11/16/2009 3:17:50 AM PST by Marty62 (former Marty60)
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To: icwhatudo
Since the early nineties I have been aware of CCHD’s activities and I don't ever give them a dime. Sometimes I put a note in the envelope saying why I won't, other times just an empty envelope. I advise my friends to do the same.

Unfortunately, I think the parishes get taxed anyway if the donations don't meet the goal.

4 posted on 11/16/2009 3:22:54 AM PST by Never on my watch (The It is Not Terrorism Task Force (INTTF) is heading to the scene now.)
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To: icwhatudo
Reform CCHD coupons for next week's collection.
5 posted on 11/16/2009 3:43:35 AM PST by A.A. Cunningham (Barry Soetoro is a Kenyan communist)
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To: bronxville

What’ shocking is that none of these groups are really anti-poverty. They’re just ‘advocacy’ groups. CCHD will never get a dime from me.

6 posted on 11/16/2009 4:00:48 AM PST by dangus (Nah, I'm not really Jim Thompson, but I play him on FR.)
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To: bronxville
Yes, Sooy has moved on but was listed by the CCHD as being there when he money was given.

Thanks for the facebook link where it says:

Nathan Sooy is a fan of:
* Telling Dick Cheney to Shut the Hell Up (by
* Environmental Working Group
* Repower America
* Health Care for America Now

7 posted on 11/16/2009 4:12:15 AM PST by icwhatudo ("laws requiring compulsory abortion could be sustained under the existing Constitution"Obama Adviser)
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To: icwhatudo

Thank you.

I always try to put something in the envelope during my parish’s annual CCHD collection, and a copy of this article will do just fine.

8 posted on 11/16/2009 4:32:22 AM PST by Stosh
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To: icwhatudo
This is not an attack on the Catholic Church

This most certainly IS an attack on the Catholic Church, certainly not by you, but by groups the Church is handing money to!

9 posted on 11/16/2009 4:59:02 AM PST by MindBender26 (Never kick leftists when they're down. Wait till they're half way back up. You get better leverage!)
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To: icwhatudo

What if in every Catholic church, during the main sermon, at least one member got up and announced that this crap is still
being funded and call for it to stop.

That would be a movement.

10 posted on 11/16/2009 5:06:27 AM PST by soycd
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To: icwhatudo

“before ending its relationship with the controversial group.”

Got caught, eh?

11 posted on 11/16/2009 5:26:40 AM PST by RoadTest ( For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. - I Cor. 3:11)
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To: icwhatudo

A fair summary of this foolish funding of leftists by the church can be found here...

12 posted on 11/16/2009 5:27:12 AM PST by soycd
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To: icwhatudo

Thank you for this exceedingly valuable information. I am forwarding it to our Diocesan P+J guy. He is a very good fellow, a Lt. Col. USMC (Ret), cares for the poor and the refugees, and an ardent prolifer in his head and heart and way down to his bones. -— He’ll know what to do with info like this.

13 posted on 11/16/2009 6:29:09 AM PST by Mrs. Don-o ("In Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others." Romans 12:5)
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To: icwhatudo


14 posted on 11/16/2009 6:49:52 AM PST by Sergio (If a tree fell on a mime in the forest, would he make a sound?)
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To: bronxville

Good Guess.

About the TIDES Foundation:

15 posted on 11/16/2009 8:21:35 AM PST by algernonpj (He who pays the piper . . .)
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To: icwhatudo

Thanks for the ping. I have heard about this before; CCHD won’t be getting any of my money. There are plenty of Catholic charities that do not contravene church teaching.

16 posted on 11/16/2009 9:24:04 AM PST by jjm2111
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To: Dr. Sivana

ping to drop this letter in the collection basket.

“Woe to you, Capernaum!”

17 posted on 11/16/2009 9:33:45 AM PST by campaignPete R-CT ("pray without ceasing" - Paul of Tarsus)
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To: jjm2111
Bishops Vote Unanimously To Reaffirm Ban On ACORN Funding

"The Bishop members of the Subcommittee voted unanimously to reaffirm, extend and formalize the decision to end CCHD funding of ACORN organizations because of serious concerns about financial accountability, organizational performance and political partisanship."

There it is folks! The Bishops have said that "political partisanship" is a legitimate reason to defund these groups. How on earth can the CCHD continue to fund such overtly leftwing partisan groups now? What twisted excuse can be used now when so many nonpartisan charities exist?

18 posted on 11/16/2009 10:08:51 AM PST by icwhatudo ("laws requiring compulsory abortion could be sustained under the existing Constitution"Obama Adviser)
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To: icwhatudo; Salvation; narses; SMEDLEYBUTLER; redhead; Notwithstanding; nickcarraway; Romulus; ...
Thank you for posting this thread! It ties in perfectly with the one I posted on Saturday.

Revisiting Bishop Morin’s Memo Regarding Our CCHD Campaign (Catholic Alert!) Catholic Ping
Please freepmail me if you want on/off this list

19 posted on 11/16/2009 10:12:35 AM PST by NYer ( "One Who Prays Is Not Afraid; One Who Prays Is Never Alone"- Benedict XVI)
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To: icwhatudo
"“There is no way any ACORN-related groups are going to receive any more funding from the CCHD,” Monsignor Burke said, “nor will any other groups that don’t adhere to Catholic moral teaching or decide that they are going to take a partisan political stance.”

Monsignor Burke said there are checks in place to make sure appropriate groups are funded.

Monsignor William F. Burke, pastor of St. Francis of Assisi in Baltimore and CCHD archdiocesan director since 1972.


The checks don't seem to be working...

20 posted on 11/16/2009 10:14:36 AM PST by icwhatudo ("laws requiring compulsory abortion could be sustained under the existing Constitution"Obama Adviser)
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