For your consideration.
This is pretty funny!
If anyone thinks it’s childish, we can simply point out Obama’s Hillary flip-off; he very deliberately scratched his cheek with his extended middle finger, and everyone understood very clearly.
So we’ll see how they treat this in view of that..
Well, I actually followed the link to the real letter on his site and while the content is real I think somebody else lined up the letters.
nice sentiment though
“Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, D-San Francisco, famously told the governor to kiss my gay ass at a Democratic fundraiser last month. Two days later, the governor responded in the veto message of one of Ammianos bills.
Schwarzenegger spokesman Aaron McLear said the hidden message was a “strange coincidence.”
“When you veto so many bills, something like this is bound to happen,” he said with a straight face.
McLear noted the first lines of other veto messages spell out things like “soap, poet and “bad tap.” Presumably that’s not a commentary on any member’s hygiene, literary skill or dancing prowess.”