But I thought Zero was so *brilliant*! Maybe he’s a deep-cover mole, on the payroll of Rush Limbaugh and Fox News to increase their market share for them?
This is back-handed complimenting at its finest. The joke quote was how he agreed with Lamar Alexander that this White House shouldn’t have an enemies list like Nixon’s even if theirs only had one name, Fox. Right. Sure. None of these are enemies?
1. Republicans in Congress - left out of all negotiations and not permitted to make sensible amendments to wasteful bills.
2. Doctors- perfoming unnecessary operations only to line their pockets.
3. Energy, oil companies - expelling evil CO2, murdering the Earth!
4. Insurance companies - horrible in every way.
5. America up until 2008 - see number 4.
6. Rush Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, talk radio - ah, see 4.
7. Israel and Britain - who needs them?
You get the idea, really anyone who pays taxes is or will become and enemy.
This illustrates his real views.
Van Jones was the one who started the "truther" bunch.
The "crusade" exposed a bunch of crooks.
There he goes dissing Glenn Beck but it’s been Beck who has removed on Tsar for being a truther (not to mention Marxist) and pointed out the Maoists in the administration. Seems like serious work to me, even if Beck is an entertainer.
It's idiots like Clarence who believed Obama in the first place after absolutely knowing the anti-American crowd he associates himself with.
It's so-called journelist like this who do not deserve to have one word of theirs read by a single person. The willfull ignorance these elitist garner is sickining when it comes to pushing their politicians.
Until we get back to shame, it's only going to get worse!
Page isn't conceding much .... after all, with the video, Hannity had Obama dead-cold on the point at issue.
Clarence, when she stumbles home bow-legged at 3:00AM in the morning, do you still think she was running from Hannity?
Should read:
Fox Outs Obama! Reveals A Huge Flaw In The Obama Administration!
The writer is crying in his cereal having to write this column.
Right, since the intent of that division was to make you the recipients of power. That certainly makes sense.
F 'ing moron....
Yeah...Page is part of the DC, salon establishment. When he is supporting Hannity on anything, you know the folks pulling the strings for The Messiah have made a serious mistake.
Rahm should have checked this move out with the WaPo first. Saw Sally Quinn-Bradlee on O’Reilly...what the heck is SHE doing on THAT show??? Quinn said this move is just STUPID.
That’s a serious put-down. When the POST tells you NO, then it’s your base talking to you.
Dumb move Rahm.
Oh, come on...this is from Clarence Page for crying out loud. Where’s the barf alert?
OUTS FOX???? Excuse me but — ROFLOLOL —
The Marxist are really scared the GRASSROOT SILENT MAJORITY is waking UP!
This is good -— this is really good.
WAKE UP ALL REAL AMERICANS 2010 is around the corner. Get those voter registrations started, educate your neighborhoods, your communities, even the Churches. We have the truth on our side. SOCIALISM DOES NOT WORK IN A FREE SOCIETY.
“A deeper problem is what the flap reveals about Team Obama, which seems to be more comfortable with campaigning than governing. I’m not happy about that.”
Welcome to the reservation, Clarence! Many of us here noted Bammy’s total lack of leadership experience and ability about 15 months or so ago. What took you so bleeping long, fool?
Your party has a name for you Clarence. It has to do with sitting on the porch after your work is done.
After all, if a right-wing lunatic like Glenn Beck can produce actual taped evidence, it should be a walk in the park for a liberal intellectual like Page.
Still waiting, waiting....
CLARENCE PAGE, CHICAGO TRIBUNE:... Plus, you know, Jeremiah Wright, I've seen the man preach, long before I knew he was Barack Obama's minister. And people knew he had been Oprah's minister. There's a side to him that has not been shown on these clips. He is a Marine. He is a guy who's had a tremendous program for, for black families, etc.
MATTHEWS: Okay. Would you get those tapes out?
PAGE: Well, it's gonna happen.
MATTHEWS: Let's get the good tapes out.
PAGE: I don't need to. I don't need to.
MATTHEWS: I think a lot of people would like to see them.
PAGE: I think, you're going to be seeing it over the next few weeks and months.
Chris Matthews Urges Clarence Page to Get Pro-Jeremiah Wright Tapes Out
“...they crusaded against the poor people’s activist group ACORN...”,
Just another Chicago Black covering for BO. To omit the fact that ACORN was caught red-handed in offering to subsidize the pimping of 13 year-old girls from El Salvador with taxpayer money is a rather important clue as to your morals, Mr. Page.
When a product of affirmaive action speaks out against inept affirmative action fascism you know it must be in trouble.
Nine months ago these liberal eggheads were saying Obama was, “Too big to fail”.
And has ole clarence’s wife ever run from the room at the things said by olbermann or madcow?
I doubt it. It’s only the truth that hurts the America hating lefties.
There, fixed it.