Hernandez said the purpose of the Mexican government agency he heads is:
(1) to increase the flow of Mexican nationals to the United States.....
(2) to serve Mexicos needs.........
(3) to increase remittances to Mexico of $50 billion a year (30% of the Mexican GDP);
(4) to get US jobs for an exploding Mexican population, alleviating social instability due to rising unemployment;
(5) to get free US training for Mexicans, who are expected to return and repatriate those skills back to Mexico.
Hernandez supports amnesty: "By populating the United States with millions of Hispanics tied economically, politically and linguistically to Mexico, we are able to exert enormous influence and pressure on US policy and its dealings with Mexico." NOTE: That means billions of US tax dollars subsidizing corrupt federales.
SOURCE http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=33894
An immigration judge recently refused to grant "political asylum" in the US to a Honduran national who was claiming "persecution" ........... and the monetary benefits that come with it.
ANALYSIS Corrupt Third World govts are coaching their citizens to whine about "persecution" to seek "asylum" in the US.......b/c they know that they can collect Soc/Sec checks (even though they have not contributed one red cent to SS).
CASE IN POINT The bogus Mexican "drug war" was engineered to create a whole new class of illegal connivers....."persecuted refugees" seeking "asylum" in the US.
BACKSTORY Social Security's "persecution" classification was once reserved for those claiming religious or political persecution. Now the Mexican govt is coaching its citizens to pour into the US, whining about "persecution from abusive spouses, and from drug wars". Some of these whiners are wealthy people , squatting on US soil, intent on draining the US treasury.
THE RIPOFF UP CLOSE Social Security provides outrageous government financial aid to "refugees" claiming "persecution." These people never paid a dime into the SS system; yet, they can collect seven years straight...... and can get extended payments if they are politically well-connected. The SS checks can amount to $1000 a month, and more. The category was created for those coming from eastern Europe and other Soviet satellite countries circa WW II....and they're STILL collecting. Just another way these connivers drain the US Treasury.
ACTION NOW Call your reps and demand these payments and the "persecuted refugee" classification be stopped.
Call Congress 202-224-3121.
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FOX CONTACT PAGE http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,77538,00.html
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Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio has the right idea. When will pols stand up for the USA? Stopping illegals from entering our country would save billions by not having to subsidize every whim of these people. DHS Secy Enabler Janet Napolitano should be arrested for inciting sedition.
“: Juan Hernandez “
I swear Hernandez is one of the most vile human beings I have ever seen. I would pay money for the opportunity to kick his a$$, and I’m 55 years old!
Poll: Mexicans say Mexican-Americans Owe Loyalty to Mexico Over U.S.
Of course they do...
Mexico has done SOOOOOOOOOO much for them...
Do I really need to put the /s...