"I swear by Apollo, the healer, Asclepius, Hygieia, and Panacea, and I take to witness all the gods, all the goddesses, to keep according to my ability and my judgment, the following Oath and agreement:
To consider dear to me, as my parents, him who taught me this art; to live in common with him and, if necessary, to share my goods with him; To look upon his children as my own brothers, to teach them this art.
I will prescribe regimens for the good of my patients according to my ability and my judgment and never do harm to anyone.
I will not give a lethal drug to anyone if I am asked, nor will I advise such a plan; and similarly I will not give a woman a pessary to cause an abortion.
But I will preserve the purity of my life and my arts.
I will not cut for stone, even for patients in whom the disease is manifest; I will leave this operation to be performed by practitioners, specialists in this art.
In every house where I come I will enter only for the good of my patients, keeping myself far from all intentional ill-doing and all seduction and especially from the pleasures of love with women or with men, be they free or slaves.
All that may come to my knowledge in the exercise of my profession or in daily commerce with men, which ought not to be spread abroad, I will keep secret and will never reveal.
If I keep this oath faithfully, may I enjoy my life and practice my art, respected by all men and in all times; but if I swerve from it or violate it, may the reverse be my lot."
An EFFING liberal's euphemism for massive morphine doses. Yet, they will spend millions to prolong the aids-riddled life of a buggering pervert.
This is an example of what Pelosi, Reid and their reprehensible cohorts want all Americans to have “forced upon them” courtesy of Liberals and RINOs in the US Congress. Thank Liberals and RINOs by voting (throwing) them out of office in disgrace and disgust in 2010 and 2012.
It’s murder no matter how they want to define it.
He is a "bioethics" czar who says a doctor's first duty is to the State, not his patients. He supports every unethical and immoral position you can possibly imagine in your worst nightmare. Including of course the Liverpool euthanasia protocol, which nearly murdered Sarah-Kate Templeton.
from Christine Ball’s comment to the actual article;”because of the mental capacitys act the family become helpless and the decisions are made by doctors, I was told that we had no rights and food and hydration were classed as treatment, which means a doctor was able to play god with my mothers life.”
Food and Hydration. Treatment. Not a Right. Governments issue welfare by which people purchase Food and Hydration. Why is that okay but not giving the same to the elderly?
Theres a line thats been crossed. Medicine too expensive,treatment,we can debate all day. Food? Water?
It will be far worse here. Socialists here want to get rid of a genration of white American voters fast so they can be secure in power with a majority of diversity’s Marxist peasants looking for free stuff and racial preferences. Here, murdering “racist” Grandma who rejects Marxism, will be a race-based eugentics political cause.
That would be morphine instead of food. Works every time.
Death Panel, anyone?
Yes this is exactly the plan of Obamacare. How do you think they plan to “save” money?
Coming soon to a hospital near you!!
Can you say “Death Panel”?
Another socialized medicine horror story!
Obama’s plan to save Social Security and Medicare involves the use of this plan
We can't keep living with these people or this mental illness of liberalism.
If this story appeared in an American paper, the title would be "Daughter Saves Mom, 80, Left By Doctors to Starve"