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The list for President Obama's 35th Week in Office ^ | 9/25/09 | Nachum

Posted on 09/25/2009 2:09:24 PM PDT by Nachum

 Obama's Thirty Fifth Week in Office

Latest Additions to "The List"

"The List" for 9/25/2009

Sarkozy mocks Obama at the UN Security council: Obama said: “We must never stop until we see the day when nuclear arms have been banished from the face of the earth.” Sarkozy responded: “We live in the real world, not the virtual world. And the real world expects us to take decisions

Cash for clunkers success in July and August sees sales plummit in September

The top Republican on the Senate intelligence committee has pulled out of the panel's bipartisan review of Bush-era terrorist interrogation techniques, saying Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr.'s criminal investigation into the CIA undermines the committee's ability to interview witnesses. "Had Mr. Holder honored the pledge made by the president to look forward, not backwards, we would still be active participants in the committee's review," said Sen. Christopher S. Bond of Missouri, the panel's vice chairman. "Instead, DOJ sent a loud and clear message that previous decisions to decline prosecution mean nothing and old criminal charges can be brought anytime against anyone — against these odds, what current or former CIA employee would be willing to gamble his freedom by answering the committee's questions?"

Obama recently shared sensitive intelligence with Russia and China about Iran's newly unveiled nuclear facility to get the two countries' leaders on board with new sanctions against Tehran, senior U.S. officials revealed Friday.

Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood is joining a growing list of Obama administration officials who will travel to Denmark next week to support Chicago's Olympic bid.

US intelligence officials say they have known about 2nd Iranian nuckear plan for years and that they briefed Obama before he took office

As a group, the bottom 70% of Americans will get more benefits than they pay in under Obama's plan

It has long been claimed that Rahm Emanuel wanted to find someone to keep his congressional seat warm while he served as President Obama's chief of staff. Now, the Chicago Sun-Times has learned that Emanuel wanted then-Gov. Rod Blagojevich to appoint Cook County Commissioner Forrest Claypool to his 5th Congressional District seat.   A new book by former Gov. Rod Blagojevich says he and Rahm Emanuel, in 2003, discussed Blagojevich appointing a "placeholder" for Emanuel's U.S. House seat. Emanuel and the White House declined comment Thursday.  Cook County Board member Forrest Claypool, pictured in 2006, says he never would have agreed to be Rahm Emanuel's "placeholder" in the 5th District U.S. House seat.  Claypool would serve one or two terms and then be considered for a place in Obama's Cabinet, according to sources familiar with Emanuel's proposal. That would give Emanuel the option of returning to Congress, where he could vie to become House speaker.

A proposed amendment that would have given Congress more oversight over the White House cybersecurity czar and at least 17 other czars appointed by President Obama was shut down in the U.S. Senate today.

Iran's newly unveiled uranium enrichment facility "is inconsistent with a peaceful (nuclear) program," Obama said Friday. "Iran is breaking rules that all nations must follow," Obama said.  He called on Iran to "take concrete steps" to demonstrate it will comply with its international obligations to ensure its nuclear program is for civilian use and not a covert weapons program.

White House Counsel Gregory B. Craig, who initially guided the effort to close Gitmo and who was an advocate of setting a closure deadline, is no longer in charge of the project, two senior administration officials said this week.

Restrictions on access to abortion would turn women's bodies into vessels to be "used" by fetuses, according to President Obama's newly confirmed regulatory czar, Cass Sunstein.

The U.S. State Department said it is rethinking a decision to give $2.5 million in aid to Libya, including to foundations run by the Libyan leader's sons, after lawmakers on Thursday asked it to cancel the plan.

"The List" for 9/24/2009

Women should be allowed to serve aboard submarines, and the Navy is "moving out aggressively" to make it happen, according to the service's top civilian.  "I believe women should have every opportunity to serve at sea, and that includes aboard submarines,Obama appointed " Navy Secretary Ray Mabus said Thursday in a statement to Navy Times.

Obama's commander in Afghanistan, Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, wrote a 66-page "assessment" of the war in Afghanistan. The document has laid out a strategy to combat Taliban jihad in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan without once mentioning Islam, or jihad

U.S. Commander denies Afghan rift with Obama

On a conference call today, Vice President Biden told 30 of the nation’s governors that if the Recovery Act fails, he’s “dead.”

The Obama administration has decided to decrease by 384 the Border Patrol agents deployed on the U.S. southern frontier.

The Centocor Company developed its chemotherapy agent Yondelis. The culmination of the company's efforts was an appearance July 15 before the FDA Oncology Drug Advisory Committee (ODAC), a panel of cancer experts that assists the FDA. But on the day of the meeting the FDA turned its back on 25 years of regulatory precedent and rejected a new cancer drug that by all known standards had passed muster for approval.

A cloud of pessimism is suffocating hopes that U.S. President Barack Obama can pull off a miracle in the Middle East by setting negotiations on course for rapid progress towards a comprehensive peace agreement. The New York encounter he arranged between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas this week produced no more than a schedule of lower-level meetings this week and next, which has only deepened scepticism

The Obama Administration plans to give $400,000 in funding to a Libyan charity run by the Gadhafi family, and U.S. Rep. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) wants the grant withdrawn.  The money would be divided between two foundations run by the family of Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi. A $200,000 share is set to go to the Gadhafi Development Foundation, which is run by Gadhafi’s son, Saif, and another $200,000 are to go to Wa Attassimou, an organization run by Muammar Gadhafi’s daughter, Aisha.

The Treasury Department's inspector general is looking into the government's oversight of tax-exempt organizations like ACORN when they engage in political activities.

The government is failing to disclose the full details of how the $700 billion bailout of the financial sector has been implemented, the program's top government watchdog will say on Thursday. Neil Barofsky, the Special Inspector General over the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), will testify to Congress that the government's "basic attitude" on the transparency and accountability of the program "remains a significant frustration."

The man that Barack Obama insists the Hondurans should restore to power, Manuel Zelaya, now claims that Israelis are torturing him with mind rays and toxic gasses while holding out in the Brazilian embassy in Tegulcigalpa.

Obama's newly confirmed regulatory czar Cass Sunstein, argues that the U.S. government should have the right to force broadcast media companies to air commercials that foster a "diversity" of views,  "If it were necessary to bring about diversity and attention to public matters, a private right of access to the media might even be constitutionally compelled. The notion that access will be a product of the marketplace might well be constitutionally troublesome," wrote Sunstein in his 1993 book "The Partial Constitution.

"The List" for 9/23/2009

Obama science czar John Holdren stated in a college textbook that compulsory, government-mandated "green abortions" would be a constitutionally acceptable way to control population growth and prevent ecological disasters, including global warming, because a fetus was most likely not a "person" under the terms of the 14th Amendment.  Holdren further suggested government-mandated population control measures might be inflicted in the United States against welfare recipients, writing on page 840: "There has been considerable talk in some quarters at times of forcibly suppressing reproduction among welfare recipients (perhaps by requiring the use of contraceptives or even by involuntary sterilizations).

The IRS says it is severing ties with ACORN, the community activist group involved in a scandal after employees were caught on video giving advice to a couple posing as a prostitute and pimp.

In his new book, "Barack and Michelle: Portrait of an American Marriage," Best-selling celebrity journalist, Christopher Andersen, has blown a huge hole in the Obama genius myth without intending to do so. "With the deadline pressing, Michelle recommended that Barack seek advice from "his friend and Hyde Park neighbor Bill Ayers.""In the end, Ayers's contribution to Barack's Dreams From My Father would be significant--so much so that the book's language, oddly specific references, literary devices, and themes would bear a jarring similarity to Ayers's own writing."

The Obama administration has decided not to seek legislation to establish a new system of preventive detention to hold terrorism suspects and will instead rely on a 2001 congressional resolution authorizing military force against al-Qaeda and the Taliban to continue to detain people indefinitely and without charge, according to administration officials.

Gen. Stanley McChrystal will submit his request for additional troops and resources in Afghanistan to Defense Secretary Robert Gates.  Gates intends to sit on the request until the White House national security team completes its review of the general’s strategy assessment

The U.S. government will have issued $7 trillion in bonds by the time the current fiscal year ends next week, but it expects the debt deluge to stabilize by mid 2010, a Treasury official said on Wednesday.

Gordon Brown lurched from being hailed as a global statesman to intense embarrassment tonight, after it emerged US President Barack Obama had turned down no fewer than five requests from Downing Street to hold a bilateral meeting at the United Nations in New York or at the G20 summit starting in Pittsburgh today.

A White House official "misspoke" when he said the Obama administration would not allow the Goldstone report recommendations on Israel's conduct in the Gaza war to reach the International Criminal Court. A top White House official told Jewish organizational leaders in an off-the-record phone call Wednesday that the U.S. strategy was to "quickly" bring the report -- commissioned by the U.N. Human Rights Council and carried out by former South African Judge Richard Goldstone -- to its "natural conclusion" within the Human Rights Council and not to allow it to go further

Riki Elison, Chairman and President of the Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance (MDAA) has developed a white paper that analyzes the recent missile defense decision by Obama.  The white paper states that the protection of our homeland population is a risk we are facing with the new missile defense plan.

Israelis and Palestinians said Wednesday that their envoys would meet with U.S. officials but not with each other, cementing the impression that a U.S.-sponsored meeting between their leaders had fallen flat.

Links to the Senate bill at the Library of congress webite

The Senate does not want to put the next Obamacare bill online....Is the bill here?: America's Healthy Future Act of 2009 now scrubs all ACORN links from taxpayer funded site

Obama used his speech to the U.N. General Assembly Wednesday to fire a warning at Israel that "America does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements." Obama's stark declaration, which drew applause, was coupled with a call for Palestinians to end their "incitement of Israel." But it was the use of the U.N. forum to carry the settlement message to Israel that drew the most enthusiastic response on the floor -- and incredulous reaction outside its walls.

During the entire administration of George W. Bush, the Iraq war cost a total of $622 billion, according to the Congressional Research Service.  President Obama's welfare spending will reach $888 billion in a single fiscal year--2010--more than the Bush administration spent on war in Iraq from the first “shock and awe” attack in 2003 until Bush left office in January. 

The GOP is charging that AARP is getting kickbacks in Dem. health bills.  AARP -- which sponsors a Medicare Advantage program in addition to the Medigap policies it offers, but was exempt from the Obama administration's gag order on Humana.

The Obama administration will unveil a new policy on Wednesday that will make it much more difficult for the government to claim it is protecting state secrets when it hides details of sensitive national security strategies, according to a published report.  Under the new policy, agencies will have to convince Attorney General Eric Holder and a team of Justice Department lawyers that release of certain information would significantly hurt "national defense" or "foreign relations,

ABC reports on the Obama Administration's attempt to suppress criticism of Obamacare

VIDEO: Mark Lloyd, Obama Diversity Czar lauding Chavez' Venezuala's "Incredible... democratic revolution'

AUDIO: Mark Lloyd, Obama "Diversity Czar" - 'Few things frighten Americans more than dark skin black men' -'Who is going to have to step down to make things more equal?'- 'The fairness doctrine is not enough'

In just 41 speeches so this year, not including this week's big speech at the United Nations, Obama has talked about himself nearly 1,200 times – 1,198 to be exact. (That breaks down to 1,121 “I”s and just 77 "me"s.)

Socialists/Marxists in the white house as of today

Obama administration said it would lend more than $500 million ($539 million) to Irvine-based Fisker Automotive Inc. to develop a pair of plug-in hybrids.

Obama's diversity czar at the Federal Communications Commission has spoken publicly of getting white media executives to "step down" in favor of minorities, prescribed policies to make liberal talk radio more successful, and described Hugo Chavez's rise to power in Venezuela "an incredible revolution." Mark Lloyd's provocative comments  were mostly made during a tenure at the liberal Center for American Progress think tank

"The List" for 9/22/2009

Experts say "Cash for Clunkers a boondoggle".   For the $4,000 per car that taxpayers shelled out, “we could have gotten a lot more,” wrote Lisa Margonelli. a senior research fellow with the New America Foundation in a piece in The Atlantic.

Condoleezza Rice blasts Obama: If you want another terrorist attack on the U.S., abandan Afghanistan

Obama-mania cools off for the young.  Young people voted for Obama by a 2 to 1 margin, but now according to political analysts, his populartity has fallen off

The conference call by the NEA violated 6 Federal laws and regulations.  Among the laws viloated, includes 19 U. S. code 1913 concerning the appropriation of monies for personal service. The conference call also violates the Hatch Act – in particular, 5 U.S. Code §7323(a)(4), which prohibits federal employees from “knowingly solicit[ing] or discourag[ing] the participation in any political activity of any person who – (A) has an application for any compensation, grant, contract, ruling, license, permit, or certificate pending before the employing office of such employee

Congress' chief budget officer is contradicting President Barack Obama's oft-stated claim that seniors wouldn't see their Medicare benefits cut under a health care overhaul.  The head of the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, Douglas Elmendorf, told senators Tuesday that seniors in Medicare's managed care plans would see reduced benefits under a bill in the Finance Committee.

Obama meets with Netanyahu and Abbas at the U.N., nothing is accomplished except a photo-op

Obama's authority undercut at the G-20 summit.  His ability to lead at home has created doubt in him abroad

White House officials told agencies across the government Tuesday they should take care to avoid even the appearance that politics played a part in the award of federal grants.  (new guidelines)

An August 10, 2009 National Endowment for the Arts conference call in which artists were asked to help support President Obama's agenda -After media picked up on it and created a hue and cry- prompts the White House to issue new "guidelines" to prevent such a call from ever happening again.

New York Governor Patterson blames Obama for his problems

VIDEO: Obama spoke to the UN this on the topic of climate change, in part to take credit for pushing the US towards the state-run energy paradigm that Europe has begun to regret. After the obligatory “no one before us had the wisdom to think we could change the weather” opening, Obama makes a couple of odd — and eminently refutable claims about his presidency

Transcript of Obama's odd address before the U.N.

Hassan Nemazee, a fund-raiser for Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and other Democrats, has been indicted for defrauding Bank of America, HSBC and Citigroup Inc out of more than $290 million in loan proceeds, U.S. prosecutors said

The new Obama health care bill sponsored by Baucus funds abortions

Obama tax-cut calculator ( has been taken off line

In his Sept. 9 speech to Congress, Obama unveiled a new claim that 30 million Americans “cannot” get health insurance, but this statistic is not supported by the government's latest definitive data produced by the Census Bureau on Americans lacking health insurance.

Obama's science czar, John Holdren, contended in a textbook he co-authored that involuntary birth control measures, including forced sterilization, may be necessary and morally acceptable under certain conditions, such as widespread famine brought about by "climate change."

"The List" for 9/21/2009

White House senior adviser David Axelrod stumbles and bumbles his way through an incoherent explanation of why President Obama favors more consumer “choice” by opposing greater choice through increased health insurance competition across state lines

 Asked at a seminar on reconstructing America's electrical grid about the Obama administration's efforts to persuade people to conserve energy, Secretary of Energy StevenChu said “the American public…just like your teenage kids, aren’t acting in a way that they should act.

The Stimulus plan was largely written by a collection of leftist interest groups called the Apollo Alliance that counts among its directors a co-founder of the Weather Underground.

Glenn Fine, the Inspector General of the Department of Justice today wrote to the Chairman and Ranking Republican of the House Judiciary Committee – Reps. John Conyers, D-Mich., and Lamar Smith, R-Texas -- informing them that his office is planning on opening a review into whether ACORN applied for or received any Justice Department grants or funds and whether or not the Justice Department ever carried out any audits or reviews of those funds.

Vice President Joe Biden said today that if Democrats were to lose 35 House seats they currently hold in traditionally Republican districts, it would mean doomsday for President Obama’s agenda.

The Pentagon has told its top commander in Afghanistan to delay submitting his request for additional troops, defense officials say, amid signs that the Obama administration is rethinking its strategy for combating a resurgent Taliban.

Three officers at the Pentagon and in Kabul tell reporters that General McChrystal would resign before he'd stand behind a faltering policy that he thought would endanger his forces or the strategy.  "Yes, he'll be a good soldier, but he will only go so far," a senior official in Kabul said. "He'll hold his ground. He's not going to bend to political pressure."

The government is investigating a major insurance company for allegedly trying to scare seniors with a mailer warning they could lose important benefits under health care legislation in Congress.  The Health and Human Services Department launched its investigation of Humana after getting a complaint from Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., a senior lawmaker usually viewed as a reliable ally of the insurance industry

The Obama administration may make it easier for Indian tribes to build casinos far from their reservations.  The White House is "rethinking" a policy from the previous Bush administration that off-reservation casino sites be within commuting distance of the reservation, a spokesman for the Bureau of Indian Affairs said

AUDIO: White House use of NEA for partisan agenda

New evidence of Obama/ACORN connection

VIDEO: 2007 Obama Revelation: Health Care Reform Requires Tax Hikes

VIDEO: of President Obama yesterday on CNN with John King saying he has not intention of heeding the plea of seven former CIA Directors - from both parties

A study in contrasts: President Obama's Rosh Hashana message compared to message for EID-UL-FITR and Ramadan.  He tells the Jews they should make peace with their neighbors.... and to the Muslims, praise for giving chairty

The top U.S. and NATO commander in Afghanistan warns in an urgent, confidential assessment of the war that he needs more forces within the next year and bluntly states that without them, the eight-year conflict "will likely result in failure," according to a copy of the 66-page document obtained by The Washington Post.

The White House tells New York Governor Patterson to stay out of governors' race, then changes its story

"The List" for 9/20/2009

Obama readies to slash U.S. Nuclear arsenal.  Obama has demanded the Pentagon conduct a radical review of US nuclear weapons doctrine to prepare the way for deep cuts in the country's arsenal

Former National Security Adviser to Jimmy Carter, Zbigniew Brzezinski who was a foreign policy adviser to President Obama during the campaign, has suggested that the United States should shoot down any IDF Plane on the way to attack Iranian nuclear facilities.

The Israel Defense Forces and the U.S. military will soon hold a training exercise in which they will simulate missile attacks on Israel from Iran, Syria, Lebanon and Gaza, the pan-Arab newspaper Asharq al-Awsat reported Sunday.

President Obama and ABC News' George Stephanopoulos got in a testy sparring match Sunday over whether the president's health care plan includes a tax increase, leading the host to look up the Merriam-Webster dictionary definition of taxes. 

Obama turned media critic during his Sunday show marathon, zinging television news during interviews on CNN, ABC, CBS and NBC for making stars out of people who are "rude." Obama wants bookers to reward "decency" and "civility" in public discourse.

Obama says ACORN misdeeds captured on secretly taped videos should be investigated, but that the controversy over the community service group was not occupying much of his time.

VIDEO: Obama today being pressed by George Stephanopoulos about ACORN. His response was that he "did not know" that ACORN was getting "a lot of Federal money," and this is not "the biggest issue facing the country.

Obama is warning U.S. commanders that he’s “skeptical” about whether more troops will make a difference in Afghanistan, saying he’ll approve an upcoming request only if the forces fit into a strategy to beat back al-Qaida and protect the United States.

Nine months into his term, Obama has yet to nominate someone to head Medicare or Medicaid

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TOPICS: Government; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: 111th; 35th; agenda; bho44; list; the; third100days; week
The list of Obamatron for this week. For those who are keeping track.

Let me know if you'd like to be on or off the ping list.

1 posted on 09/25/2009 2:09:25 PM PDT by Nachum
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To: Nachum

Please add me if you haven’t. Thanks! Good work!

2 posted on 09/25/2009 2:10:43 PM PDT by Diana in Wisconsin (Save The Earth. It's The Only Planet With Chocolate.)
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To: All

1,212 days to go!

3 posted on 09/25/2009 2:11:25 PM PDT by Diana in Wisconsin (Save The Earth. It's The Only Planet With Chocolate.)
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To: Diana in Wisconsin

I like that. :)

4 posted on 09/25/2009 2:14:16 PM PDT by Nachum (The complete Obama list at
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To: Nachum

The Fool is on TV right now. With all that’s happened in the last few days at the UN and the urgent issues being discussed at the G20, he begins his remarks talking about pancakes.

5 posted on 09/25/2009 2:16:06 PM PDT by edpc (Spay and neuter your liberals)
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To: Nachum

Please add me to your ping list. Thank you very much for all the good work.

You have a stronger stomach than I do.

6 posted on 09/25/2009 2:16:40 PM PDT by unkus
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To: edpc

yup...just saw the idiot in chief speaking about the fact he couldn’t get any pancakes at the G20.

7 posted on 09/25/2009 2:18:36 PM PDT by NMEwithin
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To: Nachum

Please add me :)

8 posted on 09/25/2009 2:21:08 PM PDT by FarRightFanatic (It wasn't an election. It was a socialist coup.)
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To: Nachum

Will the last honest, non-corrupt politician in DC please turn out the lights? I would say nothing coming from the Obama administration surprises me anymore, but he keeps on sinking to previously uncharted depths. Just wish that the public would stop worrying about school supplies, the fall tv schedule, and winterizing their car and start taking notice. I really don’t want this country to turn into another “Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela” or worse.

9 posted on 09/25/2009 2:21:19 PM PDT by dr_who
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To: Nachum

Wow-please add me to the list-great work

10 posted on 09/25/2009 2:31:12 PM PDT by MattinNJ (Palin-I cannot spare this woman. She fights.)
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To: Nachum

Thanks for the link, I will track it for a while, don’t ping me.

11 posted on 09/25/2009 2:43:44 PM PDT by BilLies
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To: NMEwithin
"yup...just saw the idiot in chief speaking about the fact he couldn’t get any pancakes at the G20. "

And, FOX news interrupted Beck to put the kenyan on, I can't believe they did that.

Enough of obama already...he's on TV more than the Geico Gekko, for crying out loud. He doesn't get it that seeing more of him will make us accept his stupid policies.

Scottie...beam me up.
12 posted on 09/25/2009 2:47:16 PM PDT by FrankR ( We're up to "reverse discrimination"...what's next, "reverse SLAVERY"?)
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To: Nachum

Please add me to your list.

13 posted on 09/25/2009 3:12:04 PM PDT by IrishCatholic (No local Communist or Socialist Party Chapter? Join the Democrats, it's the same thing!)
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