Oh, I don’t know. Once they finds out we’s a-comin, they might just tell everyone that a skeleton crew is all that will be needed that day.
Another option is recruit some conservatives to hold signs up at NFL games. It would take a large number at a game to make an impact but, cameras are cameras, no?
ESPECIALLY at a Sunday night game with Olber-wanker there.
You could display a whole sentence with a couple of words on each poster board. ACORN=OBAMA=CORRUPTION=FRAUD=etc
If you had several groups all around the stadium,so that the camera would eventually fall on one of them...
Good idear, but I’d say college games would be the way to go being there is much more passion and heart at college football. Maybe we can hire out the rainbow wig John 3:16 guy.
Hey...if they don’t know about ACORN, they won’t know you are coming..lol
Acorn and