Posted on 09/11/2009 9:10:10 AM PDT by GOPsterinMA
GOP gubernatorial candidate Charles Baker runs a charity thats funded ultraliberal outfits which have fought for tuition breaks and drivers licenses for illegals, accused American soldiers of torture and blamed Israel for genocide in Palestine, a Herald review found...
The Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation, of which Baker is chairman, has given $30,000 to the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition since 2002, records show. The agency is a driving force on Beacon Hill for immigration reform, including pushing a controversial bid to allow illegal aliens to pay the same tuition rates as Massachusetts residents at state colleges...
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Cahill in 2010!
raccoon, could you please ping the Howie list? Thank you!
Dick Morris is advising Mihos.
eehhhhh...Mihos is a lefty on social issues.
That’s no RINO, that’s a COMMIE...!
Great point!
His Wikipedia entry says: “Baker is running as a social liberal (in favor of gay marriage and abortion rights) but a fiscal conservative, stressing job creation as his primary focus”
As bad as that is, what is worse is that Scott Brown is going to move to the side in the race for Kennedy’s Senate seat for Andy Card. How stupid can the GOP be? Card hasn’t lived here for years, and hasn’t won an election in over 20 years. Not to mention who he was chief of staff to.
Granted neither of them are going to win, but at least Brown could have got some statewide recognition out of it.
yup, here goes!
And the other day I heard Morris on the radio and he mis-pronounced the name of his candidate as “mee-haws”.
Get it right, Dick!
“His Wikipedia entry says: Baker is running as a social liberal (in favor of gay marriage and abortion rights) but a fiscal conservative, stressing job creation as his primary focus
A liberal conservative...please...
Is it the national or state GOP that pushed him? Not that it matters -- both are worthless . . .
Everyone says MA won’t vote for a conservative, though Reagan carried MA both times. Granted, it was a long time ago, but how many chances have we had to vote for a real conservative since? I’m not remembering any . . .
Thank you raccoon!
1,000% right on all points!
Scott Brown needs statewide name recognition.
I would guess that the national GOP stepped in and will throw money at Card instead of Brown. I’m sure Card has friends in high places at GOP HQ.
Howie’s column today is spot on about this.
You can’t be a fiscal Conservative and social liberal. You can be a social Conservative and fiscal liberal.
even better....
And in them days, there were twice as many Republicans in the legislature... and an excellent Governor, the DINO Ed King (the last Conservative).
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