Posted on 09/04/2009 8:35:59 PM PDT by kristinn
Edited on 09/04/2009 10:12:27 PM PDT by Admin Moderator. [history]
Van Jones, Barack Obama's Green Jobs Czar, produced a record album entitled "WarTimes: Reports from the Opposition" a few years ago that was narrated by convicted cop killer Mumia Abu Jamal and featured a clip of an interview Jones did where he slammed the United States and Israel and proclaimed his stand with a "global struggle" against the United States.
Jones used his Ella Baker Center for Human Rights to found Freedom Fighter Music, the label WarTimes appeared on. WarTimes is also the name of an anti-war-on-al-Qaeda propaganda newspaper Jones helped organize.
The album was unearthed by the website Verum Serum, which posted a YouTube video with highlights of the album.
About three minutes forty-five seconds in to the highlight video, there is a brief interview with Van Jones at an anti-Israel demonstration where Jones criticizes Israel and calls for Palestinian 'right of return' then unloads on the United States:
"We see violence against poor people and poor people of color within the U.S. border, at the U.S. border, and beyond the U.S. border and you see U.S. tax dollars funding all of it. And so we have this now global struggle against the U.S. led security apparatus and military agenda that impacts people here and impacts people around the world and I think that we need to see our problems as linked."
Mumia closes out the album by describing it as a "small tease of the truth about U.S. imperialism's war on the world."
The time frame of the album is hard to gauge, but Verum Serum writes that Freedom Fighter Music existed from around 2002-2003 to 2005-2006 and produced maybe two or three albums. The album appears to be from late 2002 or early 2003.
Jones mentioned the label in an interview with USA Today's USA Weekend magazine published February 9, 2003 that Verum Serum found:
[I understand you have] developed a record label, Freedom Fighter Music.
Jones: Yes, we've had one for a little more than a year. Our second CD is coming out this year.
Verum Serum gave a link to an MP3 file of the entire album at Indymedia.
Cheers Sir! Goodonya! NEXT....!
Obama's green jobs czar Van Jones quits under fire (LA Times ...Van Jones, the onetime Marxist
Van Jones, the onetime Marxist whose controversial statements about Republicans and 9/11 have made him a distracting lightning rod as Barack Obama's environmental czar in recent days, resigned tonight.
See #263.
That reminds me of the Clintons. Rahm Emmanuel is common to both. It is the same shadow government behind both Obama and Clinton. Obama is just a figurehead, only there is much more union and minority involvement this time.
Soros, unions, hollywood, liberals suffering from “white guilt”, greenies like the Sierra Club, and business interests that will profit from Obama’s policies. Oh, and every communist loving organization in the USA. But unions alone pour massive amounts of money into liberal coffers. SEIU alone gave Obama $20 million.
I thank Glenn Beck for educating me. I had absolutely no idea about most of these radical communists he has in his inner circle. I assumed, but I had not idea about 95% of them. Beck has been extremely effective in educating me about them. I had never heard of Valerie Jarrett until just last week. Now I understand she is Obama’s primary advisor, or as Beck said, “everything that gets to Obama goes through her.”
Beck is doing an astounding amount of research and dissemination. This is what journalists USED TO DO. We no longer have any journalists, either in print or on TV. Journalism is flat dead and what remains of it is alive and well only on the internet, with the occasional radio program like Beck’s. I wonder how many old-time journalist are rolling over in their graves at the farce that modern “journalism” has become. They aren’t fit to be urinalists, let alone journalists.
Very sad seeing the emergence of the modern Pravda propaganda machine for the socialist democrats. Very sad.
My greatest fear is that Obama is stacking all levels of government and politics with his socialist minions. Only he will know of them and the next Republican administration will not be able to ferret them out. The gig will be up as these people implement communism from every government position they hold.
It is going to take a McCarthy-esque effort to rid the government of all of the socialist minions Obama instills. Political Correctness will see to it that the Republicans are cowed from even attempting to do this. For their part, I think the de-balled Republican party would not do it in any event. To much the gentlemen to get in the gutter and street-fight, like we need them to do.
The next Republican president should fire and dismiss — wholesale without prejudice — all of the new political appointees Obama instills in EVERY SINGLE UNITED STATES AGENCY, right down to the librarian. I am serious. Every single political appointee who was hired after January 1, 2009 should be dismissed immediately upon reading the oath of office for the new Republican president.
But he won’t do it.
And that is my fear. These socialist minions will be entrenched for life, pushing us faster toward communism.
You don't have to look any further than the Progressive Caucus of the US House of Reps to see real live communists in action.
Thanks for letting me know WND has been on this for months. I wasn’t aware. I need to add WND to my reading list. I should have known about this long before Glenn Beck raised it.
Ummm... We kind of have to have a Republican House of Representatives to Impeach Obama. The socialist democrats OWN the entire US government right now, except for the Supreme Court. We can’t to jack to Obama. Only the voters can do that in 2010 by giving the Republicans huge victories in the House and Senate.
I have never doubted that communists are trying to take over the USA. I just never expected them to be so sudden, aggressive and brazen in their attempts. This is their probable downfall (temporarily at least). Obama is over-reaching. He is going to undo what years of incrementalism has achieved.
Incrementalism has worked wonders to help the communists do everything they wanted from breaking up familes and destroying religion to promoting homosexuality and political correctness and multiculturalism. I just can’t believe they were this stupid - to risk everything on one throw of the dice and risk waking the sleeping masses. They had the frog nicely warming, so why did they crank up the heat under the pot?
Obama’s over-reaching has done us a huge favor. Through incrementalism, socialism was clearly gaining and at a rapid clip. By showing their hand so clearly, the communists risk setting themselves back decades.
Then again, with a complicit MSM media propaganda machine, it may not matter. Maybe only those of us who are awake and on to the communits anyway are seeing this brazen power grab. Maybe the minds of the slumbering, apathetic, confused, wishy-washy middle of the nation are still being lulled to sleep by the MSM propaganda machine. Just because the over-reaching, brazen power grab is clear to me does not mean it is clear to the soccer mom just chasing her kids around or the dad swilling beer watching ESPN everyday.
I take if for granted people at least get informed and this is patently untrue. Most people still get all their news from the MSM, so they won’t even hear that Van Jones was a communist. All they will ever know is that he called Republicans “aholes”.
Maybe, but Glenn Beck will certainly be going ofter Obama with his questions.
Why did you hire Van Jones? Did you vet him? Did you know he was a radical socialist and want him for being one? Were you incompetent at not knowing he was a radical socialist?
I don’t think he will let up on this line of questioning. It is not about Van Jones, but about Obama. Beck has set out to prove that Obama has intentionanlly surrounded himself with radical communists like Bill Ayers. He won’t let this go.
I think he is going to go after Valerie Jarrett next. She is the one who recruited Van Jones.
This is why I can’t get too worked up about an outside terrorist attack. We need to be vigilant, but a terrorist attack, even a successful one, will not destroy us. Communism will. That is our real enemy. The socialists in government, schools, churches, hollywood, environmental groups — those are out enemies.
We can’t be destroyed from without — only from the enemy within, as Michael Savage calls them. The media are foremost among these enemy within.
I am not so sure we “went to sleep”. I fear that New World Order globalist sellouts like our last president, Baby Bush, simply don’t see socialists as any kind of real threat as long as we are one big global family. You would think businessmen would go to all-out war against socialist, but Baby Bush and the other globalists treat them like a minor aggravation rather than a dangerous enemy. I don’t get it.
The left is in serious trouble because they over-reached at this time. The damage Obama could have done in 4 years being stealthy and working behind the scenes, is just staggering. Instead, he put into motion a frenzy of socialist activities, waking too many people up. He has drawn scrutiny to every one of his policies and people and the light of truth will expose them all in time, no help from the socialist MSM propaganda arm.
No wonder Obama wants his FCC Diversity czar to destroy conservative talk radio. No wonder Obama wants to be able to seize control of the internet. These are too dangerous to him. But he is being scrutinized now. Such bold moves now will just wake up more of the Sheeple.
We are $23 Trillion in the hole. I’m not terribly worried about $177,000 here and there for political favors. I am only worried about the massive losses of freedoms resulting from these communists now in power.
If I could pay every powerful communist in the nation $177,000 to just go away, it would be a very cheap price to save our freedoms. It ain’t the money.
I sure didn’t see this coming. Incrementalism was working so spectacularly, I could never see the socialists making such an amateur blunder — to reveal by sweeping over-reach their ambitious plans to turn American into a socialist nation.
I don’t know if they lost patience of if they just feel that they own so much of the media, schools and unions, that they have nothing to lose with one bold throw of the dice. Maybe they think, heads they get it all now in one bold stroke, and tails the idiots in the American electorate go back to letting them incrementally implement their socialist agenda.
For all I know, they might be right.
But I did not see the socialists screwing up this badly, revealing their plans so transparently in a brazen over-reaching power grab. Incrementalism would have guaranteed a socialist America. Now they are being revealed and risk setting back their cause decades. Hooray! I am very grateful for Obama’s massive blunder.
I’m also terrified that he may be saturating our government at every level with communist political appointees that the next Republican administration will be too timid to purge. That has me terrified.
I didn’t know he went on record saying stuff like that! I was sure, in my twenty years of associating with Van Jones that he discreetly only said in PRIVATE he was part of the global opposition to the US.
There is no “grassroots” impeachment. The Congress has SOLE power to impeach the president. Do you really think Speaker Pelosi will begin that process? Even then, the Senate must vote to convict. We saw with Clinton how reluctant the Senate is to convict.
Impeachment is NOT going to happen, now or ever with Obama.
We need huge Republican wins in the house and Senate in 2010 and 2012, and for Obama to be defeated at the ballot box. We are stuck with him until 2012. 2010 is key, because if a true landslide were to occur, it is not impossible however unlikely, that the Republicans could retake the house. This is the ONLY chance to stymie Obama’s agenda. It has to come from blocking his legislation. A big increase in House and Senate seats is all that we can hope for before Obama is voted out of office in 2012.
I can only hope a person like Palin is the one voted in, and not another New World Order globalist like Baby Bush.
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