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Reclamation of Independence
via poster named "evilned" ^ | August 31, 2009 | hyperconservative

Posted on 08/31/2009 7:33:07 PM PDT by hyperconservative


Cour­tesy of Black­iswhite, Impe­r­ial Con­sigliere. Pass it on.

WHEN IN THE GENERATIONS SUCCEEDING the one that pledged their lives, their for­tunes, and their sacred honor to usher in the birth of the world’s only truly free nation, Liberty’s Prog­eny incre­men­tally ceded their birthright to the gov­ern­ment con­ceived and designed to serve a free peo­ple, and not be its ser­vant, this gen­er­a­tion is awak­en­ing to the ter­ri­ble mis­take that we, and our ances­tors allowed to hap­pen. Charged with the ter­ri­ble knowl­edge that comes with opened eyes, we now take up the long abdi­cated duty to rouse our fel­low cit­i­zens and actively wrest the power and the lib­er­ties that have been pro­gres­sively talked, cajoled, threat­ened, whee­dled, and extorted from us, not only by those who osten­si­bly served us, but by their sup­port­ers and enablers who, by acci­dent or design, saw fit to usurp and dis­dain such free­doms, that they might be with­held, and where impos­si­ble to with­hold, might be con­demned, until a cor­ro­sive con­tempt for these lib­er­ties, wrapped in vel­vet gloves, might so suf­fo­cate the cir­cu­la­tion of them that this nation, con­ceived in lib­erty and the prov­i­dence of a wise and benev­o­lent cre­ator, might indeed per­ish from the earth, plung­ing the right­ful heirs of a proud and noble her­itage in the the dark­ened waters of chaos, despair, and evil that sur­round them, a dank del­uge that even today, other human beings actively seek to escape from in the inspir­ing embrace of this blessed and free country.

We, the awak­ened and aware, freely accept the charge that the archi­tects of this repub­lic passed on to us over two cen­turies before, in the hope that all who par­took in the bless­ings made pos­si­ble by nation they cre­ated would somberly under­take the duties of cit­i­zens, and so appro­pri­ately train them­selves in virtue, and edu­cate them­selves in the work­ings of the pre­cepts and ideals set forth in their foun­da­tional doc­u­ments that they would pos­sess enough wis­dom to rec­og­nize that not all threats to our free­dom would come from with­out our ranks, the knowl­edge to rec­og­nize that not every chain and shackle men­ac­ing us will imme­di­ately appear to be what it actu­ally is, and the humil­i­tynot to assume that the inge­nu­ity and inno­va­tion that has been the hall­mark of Amer­i­can suc­cess has been the prod­uct of man alone.

To this end, we hereby iden­tify and reclaim our inde­pen­dence from the tools used to slowly enslave a free peo­ple and usurp the free­doms that we could not be per­suaded to freely give up, or vol­un­tar­ily sup­press the free exer­cise of on our own:

1. We reclaim our inde­pen­dence from the tyranny of ‘Polit­i­cal Correctness’.

The Con­sti­tu­tion does not now, nor has it ever guar­an­teed a right to be free from being offended. Early suc­cesses in caus­ing the dis­rup­tion of free speech by insist­ing on the use of words or terms stripped of their mean­ing or altered by rede­f­i­n­i­tion and delib­er­ate use of ephemism, in order to avoid offend­ing more del­i­cate sen­si­bil­i­ties lead to its use to delib­er­ately avoid, delay, or pre­vent the free exchange and com­mu­ni­ca­tion of ideas because we allowed our­selves to be more afraid of offend­ing some­one or being branded with a label cho­sen to imply that there was a prob­lem with the offend­ing speaker, rather than the intended recipient.

No more.

Words have mean­ing and names have power. But truth over­comes, when it is given the oppor­tu­nity to exist unfet­tered by the arti­fi­cial restraints that those who fear it would place upon it. The Found­ing Fathers knew this, which is why they favored the “mar­ket­place of ideas” approach. And we now rat­ify and affirm this con­cept, hav­ing borne wit­ness to the dam­age and impaired deci­sion mak­ing that results when we remain silent and let oth­ers avoid any real dis­cus­sion of top­ics, events, and ideas out of the fear that we might offend someone.

2. We reclaim our inde­pen­dence from your victimhood.

For too long, we have stood by silently, and allowed some to increas­ingly balka­nize this coun­try with sob sto­ries of how one thing or another makes them a vic­tim, and there­fore they deserve some spe­cial def­er­ence, spe­cial pref­er­ence, and recog­ni­tion that they are spe­cial. We watched for too long, with grow­ing alarm, as the hyphenated-Americans increas­ingly failed to take it upon them­selves to over­come their vic­tim sta­tus, yet con­tin­u­ally expect to be rewarded for it as they bran­dished their vic­tim­hood like a cud­gel, ready to blud­geon any who dared to ques­tion their enti­tle­ments and almost rapa­cious appetites to expand them.

No more.

One of the many unique bless­ings that this coun­try has to offer is the pres­ence of sec­ond and third and fourth chances. Oth­ers know this, and rather than think that the good things avail­able to those who work for them were some­thing that they were sim­ply enti­tled to by virtue of their sob story, real or imag­ined, they decided to man up, and over­come. That doesn’t hap­pen through accept­ing help and decid­ing to con­tin­u­ally demand more. We are a gen­er­ous peo­ple, but there are lim­its. Decide of your own accord to know the sat­is­fac­tion of mak­ing your own des­tiny, rather than sub­sis­tence on the labor of oth­ers. You might be sur­prised at what you accom­plish, or how that might come to ben­e­fit your fel­low cit­i­zen in ways that you can­not even imagine.

3. We reclaim our inde­pen­dence from the myth of a com­pelling inter­est in diver­sity at the cost of excellence.

The lat­est affront to the ‘Amer­i­can Excep­tion­al­ism’ that our cur­rent Pres­i­dent feels the need to apol­o­gize for in for­eign capi­tols is the recent notion of a “com­pelling inter­est in diver­sity in our gov­ern­ment, our insti­tu­tions, and our cul­ture”. This is the bas­tard child of Polit­i­cal Cor­rect­ness and vic­tim­hood, which would not have been pos­si­ble with­out the mis­ap­pre­hen­sion of the con­cept of equal­ity as enshrined in our law, the cor­rect inter­pre­ta­tion being that cit­i­zens of this coun­try have equal­ity of oppor­tu­nity and equal­ity in stature in the eyes of the laws that gov­ern us. Once the “right” of offense took hold and started keep­ing com­pany with vic­tim­hood, those ben­e­fit­ing from the employ­ment of both decided that equal­ity really meant that every­one had a right to be to be sur­rounded in all walks of life by peo­ple who looked just like them, whether those peo­ple were qual­i­fied to ful­fill those roles or not.

No more.

Amer­i­cans rose to promi­nence in the world in no small part due to the idea of merit and the pur­suit of excel­lence. This was embod­ied in our gov­ern­ment and insti­tu­tions as much as in the pri­vate sec­tor. Civil Ser­vice exams for pub­lic sec­tor jobs ensured not only that peo­ple could do the work required of them, but that the best qual­i­fied were hired to do the job. Now, the stan­dard in many fire depart­ments, police depart­ments, gov­ern­ment agen­cies, and uni­ver­sity staffs is not excel­lence, but the color of skin, gen­der, or sex­ual pref­er­ence. The iden­tity has eclipsed abil­ity and we are all the poorer for it. Pre­pare for a change.

4. We reclaim our inde­pen­dence from the con­tempt of our citizenship.

For too long, we have silently per­mit­ted oth­ers to use the appeal of emo­tion to exact our acqui­es­cence in their actively allow­ing peo­ple who have vio­lated our laws to come here to live and work among us with­out ask­ing per­mis­sion to do so, or obey­ing our laws in doing so. We have allowed oth­ers to cajole us into allow­ing these per­sons to use our resources, and take ben­e­fits intended for cit­i­zens, with­out them being required to become cit­i­zens or apply for res­i­dence. We have been too long silent as oth­ers con­tin­u­ally advo­cate for the appli­ca­tion of the pro­tec­tions that are con­ferred upon us as our birthright to those who are not cit­i­zens and have tried to kill cit­i­zens, or have expressed a deep-seated desire to do so.

No more.

No sane per­son so despises some­thing of value that is theirs by virtue of “the acci­dent of birth” that they sim­ply would give it away to oth­ers who want it and yet show con­tempt for those who have it by steal­ing it from them. Like­wise, no sane per­son so dis­hon­ors a gift pur­chased with the blood of oth­ers that they will give it to those who only desire to kill or enslave them. No longer will we be silent as oth­ers con­fer all the ben­e­fits and pro­tec­tions of cit­i­zen­ship upon those who dis­re­spect it, or would steal such ben­e­fits and pro­tec­tions with­out assum­ing the respon­si­bil­ity to pay for them, or worse yet, mur­der us because we have them.

5. We reclaim our inde­pen­dence from the “Free­dom from reli­gion” that has erro­neously been read into the Constitution.

From the insti­tu­tion of Thanks­giv­ing, to the archi­tec­ture of our pub­lic build­ings and mon­u­ments, the open­ing of gov­ern­ment pro­ceed­ings, down to the acknowl­edge­ment on our cur­rency, this coun­try has very deep and unde­ni­able judeo-christian roots, and has been gov­erned by lead­ers who unashamedly pro­claimed their accord­ing per­sonal beliefs while in office. It has influ­enced our laws and been the bedrock of every ideal that has allowed this nation to grow and pros­per. This her­itage has been the tar­get of a decades long cam­paign to shove God out of the pub­lic square and exile him from con­gress with our elected offi­cials by peo­ple who have refused the notion of a higher author­ity, because their own beliefs and desires are in con­tra­ven­tion to those expressed by that higher authority.

No more.

Assault­ing our national her­itage with such dubi­ous legal notions such as a sep­a­ra­tion of church and state that for­bids any men­tion of God or expres­sion of reli­gion on or in state-owned prop­erty, and dis­man­tling exist­ing law with the fal­la­cious state­ment “You can’t leg­is­late moral­ity” does vio­lence to our his­tory and demon­strates weak logic and under­stand­ing of what law is. The Found­ing Fathers’ intent with the Estab­lish­ment Clause was the pre­ven­tion of any one church gain­ing the favor and sanc­tion of the Fed­eral Gov­ern­ment. A ban on ANY expres­sion of reli­gion or belief in God was never their inten­tion, and the evi­dence of that is still sur­round­ing us to this day. The cur­rent state of the law is based on a false premise that can be eas­ily dis­missed by a sim­ple walk around the mon­u­ments and build­ings in the Dis­trict of Colum­bia, and tak­ing out you wal­let to pay for an ice cream cone. As for the “You can’t leg­is­late moral­ity” canard, this is also false. The law is, in its most sim­ple essence, an expres­sion of moral­ity, cod­i­fied. The ques­tion that then arises is whose moral­ity should be expressed in the law? Those of peo­ple who can point to no par­tic­u­lar belief sys­tem that has cer­tain valu­able virtues at its core, or those that can?

6. We reclaim inde­pen­dence from the cyn­i­cal attempts to use shame to stop us from speak­ing out.

We have all felt this. The accu­sa­tions that we are poor Chris­tians because we refuse to give the gov­ern­ment power not granted to it in the Con­sti­tu­tion and go along with the cur­rently con­tem­plated health­care reform bill. The charges that we hate the Earth and our chil­dren, because we oppose the high­est sin­gle tax increase ever, com­bined with the dele­te­ri­ous effect on Amer­i­can jobs that would result in the pas­sage of the Cap and Tax bill, which owes its exis­tence to the myth of man-made global warm­ing and the fact that it feeds the Fed­eral Gov­ern­ment its two favorite entrees: money and power. The charges that we are bad, greedy, self­ish peo­ple for not sup­port­ing the idea that gov­ern­ment and wel­fare enti­tle­ments are the way to improve the lives of Amer­i­cans who are strug­gling, what­ever the rea­son. The charges of “Racism” when­ever we raise a provoca­tive ques­tion or level a crit­i­cism at a per­son, pol­icy, or idea that might hap­pen to involve a per­son or per­sons who are not Caucasian.

No more.

Charges like “racist” and “racism” made with­out objec­tive, quan­ti­ta­tive sup­port, and only the sub­jec­tive jus­ti­fi­ca­tion of emo­tion will be ignored. The race card is maxed out, and the bank is no longer will­ing to extend the credit line. As for attack­ing our faith, or our prac­tice thereof, we will no longer be held to account by peo­ple who do not under­stand the faith they would use as a weapon against believ­ers, when the wielder sub­scribes to no belief sys­tem at all. Those who rely only on them­selves for the reg­u­la­tion of their con­duct and ethics no longer get to con­demn those who answer to a higher author­ity. Not any more. We reclaim con­trol of the shame that you have opted out of, and we will no longer allow you to use it to make us answer to you.

7. We reclaim inde­pen­dence from the notion that the Fed­eral Gov­ern­ment is the solu­tion to every prob­lem and the answer to every question.

For too long, we stood by and allowed debate and action on all mat­ters, pred­i­cated upon on a destruc­tive and dan­ger­ous idea: That the Fed­eral Gov­ern­ment is the only way to meet a need, fix a prob­lem, or pre­vent a prob­lem. In time it became a secu­rity blan­ket, and we became a nation of thumb­suck­ers, eager to give the fed­eral Gov­ern­ment more power and more money, if only it would keep us safe from life and the liv­ing of it as free peo­ple, until we no longer looked to it for pro­tec­tion from oth­ers who would have our lib­er­ties or destroy them; we looked to it for pro­tec­tion from the con­se­quences of our own actions.

No more.

We were so fix­ated in seek­ing the fed­eral government’s assis­tance with every aspect of our daily lives, no one within or with­out the Fed­eral Gov­ern­ment ever exer­cised restraint and said “No. The Con­si­tu­tion does not give the Fed­eral Gov­ern­ment the author­ity to do that.” And now that peo­ple are alert to the fact that the Fed­eral Gov­ern­ment is poised on the cusp of the largest power grab it has ever made with the healh care bill, some of us are finally say­ing “No. You do not have the author­ity.” The stakes have never been more obvi­ous. Met with the anger of con­stituents who are actu­ally pay­ing atten­tion, elected offi­cials are employ­ing var­i­ous means to intim­i­date these cit­i­zens who are express­ing their dis­gust and anger that a gov­ern­ment that serves them would ever feel so enti­tled to our money and our data in the pas­sage of some­thing so clearly opposed by those who wold have to live under it, these ser­vants have resorted to insult­ing their con­stituents, call­ing them shills in the pay of their polit­i­cal oppo­nents, call­ing them stu­pid and say­ing that they sim­ply did not under­stand the printed words on the pages of the bill, brazenly lying to them out­right about what they have pro­posed and are con­sid­er­ing, and fill­ing audi­ences at pub­lic meet­ings with rent-a-mobs from the SEIU, ACORN, and oth­ers, so that they will face a friendly audi­ence that is also hos­tile to the vot­ers opposed to this lat­est demon­stra­tion of gov­ern­ment of its leash. The days of promis­ing good gov­er­nance but deliv­er­ing graft, cor­rup­tion, and self serv­ing sinecures are over. We do not care about your party; both have proven them­selves reck­less and dis­hon­est. We demand that you act respon­si­bly, that you do the people’s busi­ness, not your own, and we demand that you act within the con­fines of the Con­sti­tu­tion. No more will we sim­ply accept leg­is­la­tion that exceeds the author­ity strictly enu­mer­ated in the Con­sti­tu­tion. No more will we accept inter­pre­ta­tions of the Com­merce Clause and the Nec­es­sary and Proper Clause that are so tor­tured and stretched beyond rea­son or recog­ni­tion as to be unrec­og­niz­able to any­one who has read the Con­sti­tu­tion. No longer will we accept leg­is­la­tion from the bench that relies not on inter­pre­ta­tion of the Con­sti­tu­tion, but mys­ti­cal div­ina­tion of mys­te­ri­ous penum­bras that only a few ‘right-minded’ jurists can see. Those days are over, and you can return usurped pow­ers to the states and the indi­vid­ual cit­i­zens in whom the Con­sti­tu­tion right­fully places them, or you can have them stripped from you.

We, those who have come together in vir­tual con­gress to reclaim our inde­pen­dence from those who have by var­i­ous means obtained it from us, real­ize that this prob­a­bly wasn’t the HOPE! and CHANGE! that those per­sons had in mind, but nev­er­the­less, the time has come.

Black­iswhite, Impe­r­ial Consigliere

Free Cit­i­zen of the United States of America, August 29, 2009

KEYWORDS: angry; constitution; independence; liberty
If you like it, pass it on by any means your fertile mind conceives. If you dislike it, tough tiddly-winks.
1 posted on 08/31/2009 7:33:10 PM PDT by hyperconservative
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To: hyperconservative


2 posted on 08/31/2009 7:36:39 PM PDT by SpeedRacer (Where's your records, B-HO? What are you hiding?)
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To: hyperconservative

3 posted on 08/31/2009 7:37:41 PM PDT by Kartographer (".. we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.")
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To: hyperconservative

It’s absolutely beautiful—dern near brought a tear to my eye.
It should, not ONLY, be forwardedededededed to as many as possible, it should be printed out, signed and sent to your “representatives” and congress critters.

Beautifully written and inspiring. Thanks!

4 posted on 08/31/2009 7:44:12 PM PDT by Mortrey (Impeach President Soros!)
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To: hyperconservative

It’s absolutely beautiful—dern near brought a tear to my eye.
It should, not ONLY, be forwardedededededed to as many as possible, it should be printed out, signed and sent to your “representatives” and congress critters.

Beautifully written and inspiring. Thanks!

5 posted on 08/31/2009 7:45:44 PM PDT by Mortrey (Impeach President Soros!)
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To: Mortrey

Sorry for the double post—( was worth repeating!)

6 posted on 08/31/2009 7:47:28 PM PDT by Mortrey (Impeach President Soros!)
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To: hyperconservative


7 posted on 08/31/2009 8:09:07 PM PDT by smokingfrog (No man's life, liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session. I AM JIM THOMPSON)
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To: hyperconservative

Wow! I’m forwarding this to everyone!

8 posted on 08/31/2009 8:13:34 PM PDT by NaughtiusMaximus (Hey, Mr. Obama, please don't kill my gramma! NO on socialist healthcare!)
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To: NaughtiusMaximus; All

Please do pass it along
in cyberspace
and on paper(many senior citizens do not yet have Internet access)

9 posted on 08/31/2009 8:19:59 PM PDT by hyperconservative (one less piggy in the senate)
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To: hyperconservative

GREAT document!!! Reclaiming our country, our constitution, our freedoms & liberties. I think that Socialist-commie pigs like 0bozo & his band of thugs & cutthroats will not go down without a bloody battle on our hands. Liberals & lefties & commies will always fight only when they have superior odds. Once they see the tide of battle turning against them, they will drop & head for the hills as fast as possible.

10 posted on 08/31/2009 8:31:04 PM PDT by rcrngroup
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To: hyperconservative

Love it! Bookmarking to send out to family/friends.

11 posted on 08/31/2009 10:29:49 PM PDT by FarRightFanatic (It wasn't an election. It was a socialist coup.)
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