Posted on 08/24/2009 9:23:30 AM PDT by GodGunsGuts
As soon as he shows up and raises our taxes, I will worry a lot.
I think it's Jupiter. Or Jupiter's moon Europa, to be exact, because God wanted every ice fisherman in the universe to be within an easy drive of the creatures which swim in the oceans beneath its icy crust. Makes sense to me.
All the same, Mr. Goat Herder/charlatan, do you have any links to back up your assertion?
Try Wikipedia, if you can get it in your tent.
So we’re the ‘wet spot’ of the universe.
Makes sense.
I am familiar with what Wikipedia writes about the “Big Bang”, cosmology, and Lemaitre. I’m still waiting for those links, Mr. Goat Herder/Charlatan.
What's next, Christians will be ignorant haters for actually believing what scripture says about anything and homosexual marriage...
oh wait...
liberals already do exactly that.
Wow...and just think of all the demands from liberals to keep religion out of about a post dripping with irony!
As if that's not enough, liberals demanding that they and they alone know the science as no one else is capable, then they turn right around and pretend to be the experts on what it is they so desperately demand to keep out of the discussion in the first place!
You'd think when they were more than thoroughly educated that they weren't given the keys to science, it would be understood they didn't have them to religion either!
See my tagline for further assitance!
Wakey, wakey Mr. Goat Herder/Charlatan. I’m still waiting for those links proving that Lemaitre rejected a Universe with a center in favor of a homogenous Universe. I have looked and looked and I cannot find anything that backs up your assertion. Either back your assertion up with links, or conceded you have no clue what you’re talking about.
Quantum mechanics is a theoretical explanation for some physical phenomena on very small scales. To the degree that the descriptions are correct they would be part of creation.
Just like gravity.
To the best of my knowledge swine flu was not in existence when the Bible was written any more than television was so it wouldn't be “In the Bible” though illnesses, major and minor, are often mentioned.
“So everything that exists is in the Bible?”
If you're going to expound on God's creation the Bible is the source of information not your speculations.
Job said, “Hear, please, and I myself shall speak, I shall question you, and you inform me” (Job 42:4)
M31 Andromeda Galaxy is moving towards us.
But it's a might fine image!
I’m not talking about micromovements, I’m talking about the way it looks on the whole.
It is alive and well in you.
nothing in science is ever proven. [allmendream]And yes, it is still called the Heliocentric Theory, not the Heliocentric Truth [allmendream]
“Did I not make it abundantly clear that I was referring to evo-atheists like Stephen Hawkings et al who openly admit that they scrapped the empirical observations of Lamaitre et al (which point to our galaxy being at or near the center of the Universe) for purely ideological reasons?”
—No. :-) Well, at least not in the post I was responding to, but I pretty quickly glanced over earlier posts in the thread.
What observations by Lemaitre are you referring to? I’ve read some of his writings - although certainly not all, and they aren’t an easy read - but I’ve never seen anything from him to suggest that we’re in a special place in the universe. In fact, I’m pretty sure the first publication of his to talk about the “Big Bang” theory was the paper titled: “A homogeneous Universe of constant mass and growing radius accounting for the radial velocity of extragalactic nebulae”.
If you have something of his that suggests we’re at the center or some special location, I’d love to see it.
This is also interesting - it’s an early 30’s article in Popular Science on Lemaitre’s recently proposed theory... it’s remarkably similar to modern descriptions of the Big Bang. It starts off with a graphic that’s essentially the ubiquitous “balloon analogy” (which, of course, is used to explain how we’re not in a special place in the universe!):
Yes. Atheists frequently dispense free spiritual advice about the Bible, God, Christianity, morality, etc. Atheists are of course experts in everything. Why, recently the atheists here have even become experts in Catholicism. They know everything about it; they are more than qualified to speak for it, etc.
Yes, and all the evidence supports the heliocentric model.
Way to try to quote me out of context.
If the Universe is infinite, would it not appear isotropic, no matter where one stood?
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