Im sure the seven or eight that might sell will not crash the grid. ;-)
Power won’t be an issue if they’re pulled by magical unicorns.
They are called coal powered cars.
They get two miles to the lump.
Dear IBD staff, FReepers were asking that question long, long ago. You folks are just getting around to it?
Cap and trade will crash the energy grid.
Fragile and over-burdened, but only because we can't build power plants. Not everyone is going to switch to electrics at once. If we're allowed to respond to increased demand by building power plants, preferably lots of smaller ones well-distributed, its a non-issue. ("If")
"If you are using coal-fired power plants and half the country's electricity comes from coal powered plants, are you just trading one greenhouse gas emitter for another?"
Well, yes, but carbon is not my issue. You are switching to a single point of emissions well scrubbed and precipitated, which is a good thing. And coal is entirely domestic, we don't have to import any at all. Every mile driven is that much oil not imported, and that many dollars not sent out of the country.
We might never want to be 100% electric, since a grid going down would be disastrous, but if commuter cars were electric (and your pickup was gasoline) then we've cut our oil demand by a large percentage while retaining some flexibility.
And if we could convince "them" to go ahead with coal-to-liquids plants for those gasoline and diesel users that remain, so much the better. The idea that we can't get off imported oil is just a lack of imagination.
Even without these cars, I have seen others posting here that (on the topic of smart meters and being able to turn off your power) certain utilities are already making plans for rolling blackouts in a couple years when demand is a lot greater than supply. Obama and the lbis aren’t allowing any expansion of power supplies.
We have excess electric power generating capacity at night. Perfect time to recharge electric cars.
Unless we build a lot of nuke plants, I don’t see how we can support an electric fleet.
Well, it will only cost 40 cents a day to charge, off peak hours, per GM spokes people on local Detroit radio.
Now I’m wondering how they will make
these car owner pay for road repairs!!
I have read that the number of tons of coal is about 5 to be equivalent of a tank full of gasoline. Admittedly coal is much dirtier than gas so how much pollution will be added on top of oil pollution.
Its the dirty little fact they won’t talk about.
Have a good day.
Prove it!
The PUBLISHED stuff says it'll go 40 miles on a full charge and THEN a 'small' gasoline engine will kick in to go 300 miles!
Yeah - sure.
Show me the TANK size...
Tell me the engine DISPLACEMENT...
(I can do the math)...
Will the engine DIRECTLY drive the car or go through a lossy generator system to charge the batteries?
Inquiring minds want to know!
Don’t think enough people will buy them to make a difference. Do the math. Volt with tax credits cost about $35,000. Regular car, about $18,000 that gets about 20 mpg. So you save $17K and at $3.5 per gallon avg. over the next several years, you can buy about 4,800 gallons of gas or go about 96,000 miles before you break even. Just saying.
I don’t really care about CO2 hippie stuff but what i do care about is that i would rather give my money to an American coal fired plant than a Muslim Oil producing country anyday.
As long as we can keep the hippies moving electric cars over here than as the grid gets taxed we can push for nuclear. Well the hippies will be forced to decide between going back to foreign oil or to going nuclear.