REAL bottom of the barrel now...scrapping up the last remenants of how we can trash Bush/Cheney so they can divert, divert, divert all the attention from the First Racist in Chief!
This is so funny...THIS IS THE TRANSPARENCY they had planned to deliver...all along...they juust didn't plan on emptying the barrel so fast!
It is so TRANSPARENT that when Uhbama Administration gets their a$$es in a vise they run to the "lame and transparent play book" to divert the liberal lemmings from the real news and find something to feed to the MSM that ATTACKS...
(insert EVIL music here)
This is so laughable...this is HOW desperate the Uhbama administration has become.
What is even scarier is that....the Uhbama administration has shown us their racist habn AGAIN by trotting out the NY TERRORISTS as "victims"!!!!
OMG...folks this is hysterical...the Uhbama administration has resorted to the last page in their "AttacDivert & Attack Play Book"!
And so sad for All Americans that wer forced to watch the FRIC make racist comments on live on TV and then pretend to apology...and then go straight to the BASH Bush Cheney play book and use terrorists as victims!
They are ratcheting up Muslims anti US sentiment against American military and police...just as Uhbama ratcheted up black sentiment against white police.
The same person who has run all over the world apologizing for America for being the greatest country in the world and this racist president WON'T apologize for his ignorant, hateful and racist comments that he uttered during HIS planned Press Conferernce has ratcheted it UP another notch.
I am beginning to wonder if Rev. Jerimiah Wright has secretly become the "Get White Conservatives CZAR"?
Uhbama has become the biggest joke...amd I wonder who the "hate America first lackeys" in his administration had to crawl into the barrel for the "last of the red chunks of fetid meat"...Rahm or Axelrod?
My money is on Rahm...dead fish Rahm
Good point. This story is a well timed diversionary tactic.
Bush is a mull’a. OMFG!
Thanks for framing this barfalicious subject properly.
I’ve considered doing lots of things that I never did.
“have been a nearly unprecedented use of military power...”
Liberal hyperbole at its most outrageous. Bottom of the barrel is right. Send these morons a copy of a Lincoln biography and google “civil war.”
What a non-story. Presumably, all sorts of things are discussed at presidential meetings on a topic; this was somebody’s suggestion, and Bush studied and rejected it. Not like Bambi, who probably does everything Rahm tells him...unless he himself has a worse idea, in which case he does that.
Bill Clinton mulled schtupping at least 4 dozen different interns....and he only did one.
When Zero said “transparency”, I don’t think he considered how it could work against him. We can see right through you and your agenda, Zero. No substance. No morals. Clear as a bell.
Do you think Gates was a shill for obamadinejad and created the confrontation? The timing was sure convenient....
didnt obama send troops into Alabama?
For this administration to leak such BS at this time shows how they are grasping at straws. In a way, this is good. The Feckless wonders are showing they are scrambling to save themselves, since, Obama showed his radical roots. Can you see the memo now at the White House? This is sweet justice!
Let the games continue, God will ALWAYS confuse the enemy.
So, let the confusion continue.
“unprecedented use of military power”
How soon we forget Waco
Maybe the BC disaster has something to do with it and zero is quite worried about it, among other things. If the military quells the citizens, we'll have a zero-for-life.
Next we’ll be hearing that Bush thought about taking a dump one day.
This is an attempt to justify the administration’s first “Waco”.....coming soon near you...right about the time his “real” birth certificate shows....
What about Dearborn?